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View Full Version : Z500 OUT NOW on Vodafone!

3rd July 2005, 09:30 PM
http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.viewPayMonthlyHandsetDet ails&action=getPayMonthlyHandsetDetails&intHandsetID=311&variationID=145

Another anticipated handset storms into the 3G world - the Samsung Z500 is now available to buy on Vodafone!

The start of the end for GSM? Going by Vodafone's enthusiam and handset range it's certainly looking that way.

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3rd July 2005, 10:48 PM

Time to go Vodafone I suspect. Who'd have thought they would have come up with such a compeditive deal.

Free Handset
£25/month for 200 Mins X/Net + 250 Texts
6 months 1/2 price line rental
Free Vodafone Live
Stop The Clock (Talk for 60 mins pay for 3 off-peak)
Seamless Switching between GSM + UMTS
Industry leading standards of customer service
(18 month contract)

Hard to think of the negatives...... online only for this deal I checked out a 6680 the other day in their stores and pricing is totally different....they dont price match the website either!

Well 3 might have done some good after all.... 'The Futures Bright and it looks red and white right now'.

SE v600i or Samsung Z500???? Decisions Decisions..... Its so hard to choose.... and so easy to write off a £5/month ditching you know what!

3rd July 2005, 11:11 PM
mmm that's almost edible! Half price for 6 months on that tariff is good stuff, but I guess that's what you get for going in on 18 months!

If I was looking for a new contract it'd be a no brainer for me. Good takeup should also help guarantee further Vodafone 3G network rollout in the coming months - the current Vodafone angle definitely seems to be sell the handsets first, build up the network after.

Ah well, you heard it first on Talk3G! Don't forget to sign up for those free text alerts folks!

3rd July 2005, 11:38 PM
Ordered!!! Samsung Z500 on its way..... 4 days max!

When I thought about it, its worth it just to see what 3G can do on another network. I know Vodafone handsets can be locked to 2G if required so network performance will not be an issue.

I always thought Vodafone was expensive, used to be...... but with Stop the Clock and the 1/2 price deal depending on your usage pattern (I have VOIP for free at work all day) the cost appears similar to what one would pay eleswhere.

I'm gonna enjoy a proper phone again. The Nokia 7600 has been OK but its a novelty product that one tires of fairly quickly. The Samsung wins on weight and range of connectivity options, BT, IR, USB plus it has Transflash for expansion to keep tunes and pics on.

Cant wait.... a Samsung on Vodafone 3G for just £12.50/month for the 1st 6 months. Who'd have thought it? My neighbour down the road will be pleased, he's the Vodafone business Area Manager and every time he sees me he has told me 'You'll be back'.... I have always said I would return if the price and the product was right. The deal certainly is....lets hope the experience matches it.

Only one thing, I hope I will be able to port my number into Vodafone in October when their contract expires. I had planned to get my PAC then.

3rd July 2005, 11:41 PM
it seems to have the same qualitys as the e700 although i would be interested if the handset was to come to three. I thought we would be once again looking at a delayed release date so good job vodafone have released it on time and beet the competition who are likely to release it in the near future. :)

3rd July 2005, 11:50 PM
I am glad to be getting some 3g on something other than 3. Four phones and two contracts later I have had a hellish experience and the promise of better service is'nt bourne out by comments from folks on other sites who have experience with newer phones like the Motorola a1000 and newer LG's.

I am happy to pay what Vodafone are charging. One expects to pay more for a quality product or service and 150K users on there has been little negative comment about Vodafone 3G. Proof of the pudding though is in the eating so I will keep everyone up to date with developments.

I'm sure the Z500 will be on 3 soon but I'll be happy to allow others be the guinea pigs for a change, my days hearing the triple beep then silence are hopefully over.

4th July 2005, 10:11 AM
i agree scottish user the triple beep is in my ear i sometimes dream of the day the beeping will end lol. But on a serious note it looks like a decent handset and at a resonable price the only quabble i have with vodafone is that they normally always try to push you onto a 18month contract and they are hell.!

4th July 2005, 11:50 AM
The best thing about this is that the handset is so brand new it'll probably be some time before you're thinking about getting a new one. A few months down the line and you probably wont want to get tied in for 18 months, but given that this phone is fresh out the oven I don't think getting contracted would be a toooo bad.

Vodafone's bills are a little bizzare, but you do get Nectar points!

4th July 2005, 12:11 PM
The bills are very hard to understand and not a patch on Orange bill methods. The vodafone is more confusing than an help to the user and it really does take some reading to understand it

4th July 2005, 12:23 PM
i have to be honest the best bill system i have ever come across is three its very clears and precised! although i agree vodafone is very patchy to say the least

5th July 2005, 07:35 AM

Nice if you could do a review on this mobile for us on talk 3G. I was thinking of geting one myself, but I was worried that the screen of the mobile would be same size as that of the E700 making it harder to see 3G content, any review you can do would be helpfull.

5th July 2005, 08:37 AM
I can't for the life of me make head or tail of the tariff charge for Videocalling on Vodafone on this and other tariffs. So what is it then?

@3GSU - so what's the verdict then? Has the Sammy Z500 lived up to expectation? It is a gorgeous looking handset for sure - Samsung do have a certain style that appeals to the eye. Does the 3G network [in your area of function] live up to expectation also?

4 Hours talktime - I'm presuming that is voice only, and that videocall could shorten that somewhat in line with how the other 3G handsets perform. Isn't it about time that little problem started to be solved?

I always disliked Vodfone bills - part of the reason I left them many years back. Their tariffs have not inspired me since, but this is looking well reasonable.