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View Full Version : 3 Australia adds Samsung Z500

25th September 2005, 11:43 AM
The Samsung Z500 has been added to the 3 Australia handset line-up.


25th September 2005, 01:41 PM
Curious, it's not on 3UK and it's not like they've got enough handsets to snub things like the Samsung. I think Three needs a more unified approach :\

25th September 2005, 11:16 PM
It seems to me that only Vodafone have a truly global approach. To quote Peter Bamford (Chief Marketing Officer) "With our new global range we have a phone for everyone................."

Clearly and approach that 3 (being somewhat global itself) could follow quite easily, pooling resource globally too with all the resultant corporate savings that would enjoy.

I'm seeing a lot of Samsung Z500 posters around the area these days - not connected with any specific network. These are playing on the handset's unique size for a 3G model. I'll need to get one in my mits before I form an opinion on the device. Although it is well reported to date. So maybe they really have a winner on their hands. Will 3 UK think so too?