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View Full Version : 2G or 3G? What do you recommend?

3rd October 2005, 09:17 PM
Okay, an easy question this. But your answers may not be quite so easy (please don't forget to vote in the above Poll also).

You or a friend/associate/colleague/perfect stranger are either buying a brand new Contract/PAYG or have a Contract that is coming up for renewal this last quarter of 2005. What do you decide [for yourself] or advise this third party to do? Go with 2/2.5G for another 12 months or take up a 3G mobile facility? And why in either case?

The poll runs for 120 days - so should see us just the other side of New Year 2006.

3rd October 2005, 09:24 PM
3G all the way.

I have tried to go back to 2G and lasted only 3 days before cracking and going back to 3G.

I just missed not having the faster speed if i needed it and not being able to video call.

3rd October 2005, 09:33 PM
Suppose I'd better cast my vote also.

Like getti I'd recommend/go for 3G. Carrying both around with me on a daily basis I can safely say that the 3G handset gets the most use for not only making regular voice calls but for Portal pages such as News and Weather with the occasional music or comedy video. On the 2G contract (I am using a Motorola A1000 on it) it is plain painful to navigate around the Portal, and going any wider afield is grimly slow by comparison.

I'll no doubt continue with two mobiles in the forseeable future, but they'll both be 3G - although not by the same company.

3rd October 2005, 09:34 PM
3G, as long as you dont mind having to use 2G for most of the time. ;)

3rd October 2005, 11:20 PM
I said 3G mainly because of the football highlights and video calling. Another thing which I noticed the other day is that using 3G, you don't get that annoying sound through speakers and monitors don't go fuzzy the way they do with 2G.

4th October 2005, 03:03 AM

The next twelve months are going to bring a whole host of changes to the way we use our mobiles, and although it may be early days yet it'd certainly be better to move to 3G now than spend the next year high and dry without video calling and fast data. So long as you're with a decent *cough* network you can always opt for GSM-only service if necessary, so there's really no excuse for failing to upgrade to UMTS capability right now given the great choice of handsets available.

4th October 2005, 08:57 AM
I personally can no longer see the point in 2/2.5G phones.

I voted 3G.

8th October 2005, 08:28 PM
I think GSM (2/2.5G) has a lot of milage in it for the forseeable future. Just remember that without GSM you cant get a phone service in over 50% of the area of the UK and you cant roam in most countries.

I voted 3G but I doubt if I was forced to have a Samsung D600 I would feel too deprived of anything really.