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View Full Version : Bang & Olufsen / Samsung Serene (not 3G)

6th October 2005, 11:22 PM
I know this is not a 3G handset but ...... some things are so extraordinarily noteworthy that they should get a mention.

Will you be pocketing one of these Ben?

It looks like a concept phone.. but it isn't. It looks like a hoax.. but it isn't. What this is though is the fruit of a collaboration between Samsung and Bang and Olufsen to come up with a completely novel approach to mobile phone design.

The Bang and Olufsen Serene will be available sometime during Q4 2005 in B&O retail outlets and from selected Samsung partners in Europe, Russia and the Ukraine.

How much :eek:

Full article is here --> http://www.mobilegazette.com/bang-and-olufsen-serene-051007.htm

7th October 2005, 09:06 AM
B & O's approach to hi-fi is to make generally good products ,make them look as different from anything else as they possibly can , and then charge a (disproportionate) fortune for it
B&O "fans" have more money than sense , and will (like sheep) buy whatever B&O tell them to , It is like "The Emporor's new clothes" IMO

That's not to say the stuff is not very good - but you could get as much (if not more) Hi-fi for your hard earned from "conventional" manufacturers , without the poncy styling , of course

But then again , this device looks like it is all about poncy styling - and the rich are easily parted with their cash in that respect

7th October 2005, 10:38 AM
It's not doing it for me... it looks a bit too much like a makeup compact, especially with the circular dial. Doesn't mean I don't want to play with one though ;) It'd be nice to know how it compares to the Vertu... I'd think, and hope, unfavourably.