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View Full Version : Shop on your mobile!

7th October 2005, 03:08 PM
Found this on my travels, looks quite promising, and it's a data centric application so that should keep the operators happy! I can't think of any other portals that allow you shop properly on the net via your mobile, and as more shops are added to it's portfolio it can only be a good thing for the consumer.

There's a few shops already; 0800flowers.com, Active hotels, Blackwell's bookshop, CD WOW! and Firebox.com to name a few.

Requires a download from a link they supply to your mobile after you register online, obviously that means you'll need full internet access via your mobile.

If anyone decides to give it a try then let us all know!


7th October 2005, 03:41 PM
Seeing as I've poseted about it, I've just registered and installed onto my 6680. Via a 3G or a 2.5G GPRS connection it's extremely quick to navigate around due to the minimal text and graphics, so I'm impressed so far!

Will let you all know if I order something from it!
