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View Full Version : How new handsets are released in Vodafone stores !

14th October 2005, 01:26 AM
Right not sure if people know this but i'll tell it anyways. Yesterday wen i went to get my 903 back from my local Vodafone store i was listening into one of the employees talking to some chineese people.

Anywho basically he was going that everytime there is a new Handset out for example lets say the Sharp 903. Say theres a limited number of handsets imported by vodafone into the UK. What happens is that all the Vodafone stores are placed in 3 zones.

Zone 1 = Most largest and Major stores e.g. Bham, London & Manchester
Zone 2 = Coventry, Stoke, Leeds etc
Zone 3 = The less known ones

Right so as i was saying if theres a limited number of handsets they are split between the stores in Zone 1 to attract more sales because they are the Larger stores.

If they get like a few thousand sets on 1 particular handset in which is a new phone they are split between Zone 1 and Zone 2 stores and after about a Month they are put into Zone 3 stores. Although they may put into Zone 3 stores if they are selling really well.

Anywho thought youd just like to know. KK cya

Gagz (has put on some weight and Weighs about 10 £2 coins)