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View Full Version : N70 on the Vodafone website

14th October 2005, 11:46 AM
Vodafone have launched the N70 and its on the website

http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.viewPayMonthlyHandsetDet ails&action=getPayMonthlyHandsetDetails&intHandsetID=341&variationID=288

If that link expires to go to the Voda shop and its there

It ranges from Free and 150

14th October 2005, 06:46 PM
Pricey or what I bet Three will do it for free!!

14th October 2005, 07:25 PM
The prices don't seem toooo bad, though I guess 3 doing it for free is a given ;)

It's a shame you have to opt for an 18 month contract in order to get the 3 months half price and STC. Good free texts allowances though. Just remember that these contracts are 'set in stone' as they're online specials, you can't make changes to them and if you try you'll lose things like your free texts.

15th October 2005, 09:33 AM
Yeah - if you're gonna go for an 18mth'er then go to a Vodafone Shop.

They can do first SIX months half price.

15th October 2005, 11:19 AM
That's good to know... I knew the stores were there for a reason ;) I take it the stores don't bundle inclusive texts, for example, with their deals though? I'm guessing you get more bang for your buck online.

20th October 2005, 09:46 AM
I have contacted Vodafone today to order my N70. Vodafone have agreed to swop it for my SE w800i that I was sent a month ago. Yes I have had a none 3G phone and yes I did enjoy, but I really wanted the N70 so I tried my usual trick of complaining my phone is pants and go the phone swopped for the lastest one

I really hope the N70 is good and the camera quality compares to the W800i