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View Full Version : Whats the point of Planet3?

8th April 2005, 12:29 AM
Ok most people will have probablies been to www.welcometoplanet3.com as its been around now since about early October but my question is


The site promises allsorts of cool things that we will be able to do, yet its been almost 7 months and all thats available is MSN pictures!! What are Three attempting to do with this site? Does anyone have any information on whats in store? Or is this just gonna be yet another side to the quirky Three image?!

(this is my first post here !) :)

9th April 2005, 12:08 AM
You would indeed think they'd have gone somewhere with it by now. Just all looks like a load of branding really. Still, I do like watching the Cherry ad :D

I guess there's nothing wrong with a bit of fun - so long as they don't try and make out it's something it isn't.

9th April 2005, 11:48 PM
I put my finger up my nose today. Wiggled it about for a bit. Then took it out again. That seemed to be about as much point as visiting Planet Three if you ask me.

Tomorrow, I shall mostly be wearing lederhosen :)

9th April 2005, 11:54 PM
hahah hands0n!!

10th April 2005, 12:46 AM
If the planet had anything worthwhile on it then it would be fine..... but it does'nt have and the voice and SMS service that they pitch it on is horrific. So Planet 3 is a no-go area having explored it.

10th April 2005, 06:00 PM
I just think the point of it really is (a cheap and easy way) to keep customers connected... They'll hear about Planet3, and they wait for all the brilliant new content for their 3 phone, and wait, and wait... maybe?