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View Full Version : Colours in Nokia 6680

28th November 2005, 06:37 PM
Hi, can anyone help please? I've got a Nokia 6680 and when I try to change the colours in a theme, it simply won't change the colours. There are lots of palletes available and I'd love to be able to try them out! I have followed the instructions exactly and even returned the handset and got a replacement as thought it may be faulty but the new one is exactly the same. It's on the 3 network.


28th November 2005, 11:51 PM
Hey Sue, welcome to Talk3G!

When you change themes completely I assume the colours change then to the ones specified in the new theme?

If you set a different theme and then try changing the colours to the ones you desire, does that work?

I'm just trying to understand if it's a problem with the handset firmware or a problem with the current theme you have active. It sounds like a strange issue to be sure! My handset is generic so I've not experienced any operator specific problems, but we have 3 users on the forum and I'm sure they'll help as far as they can.

29th November 2005, 01:00 PM
Yeah, my 6680 doesn't seem to do themes very well. Changing the colours in any of the themes does absolutely nothing, even with a restart. I remeber having this problem a while ago but just it didnt bug me enough at the time to do anything about it.
Mibbe a firmware update would fix it? My version is 2.04.15 which as quite an old one as far as I know.

30th November 2005, 01:44 AM
i have v.4.04.07 & it still have d same issue with regards to using the colour pallets :confused:

1st December 2005, 06:36 PM
Thanks all, well the colour changes don't affect any of the themes at all. So I can't understand why the options there! There are lots of free themes available to download so I'll probably try to get some more of them.
