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View Full Version : New Three data tariffs

3rd December 2005, 03:40 PM
New bundles, which will prove very useful and mark the step into true Open Internet Access have today been announced:

Casual Mobile Web - data charged at £2.00/mb
Add Mobile Web - 5MB for £2.50/month

Add Wireless Web 56 - 56MB for £15/month
Add Wireless Web 512 - 512MB for £45/month

...wireless web 56 competes with o2`s Data36 tarriff, offering 36MB for £14.50/month.

Tarriffs are available from mid-December.

3rd December 2005, 05:48 PM
Now that is a significant and very good improvement on their initial Data offering. £45 is just way too much for most to contend with. But £15 for 56MB (that is Bytes so it is quite a reasonable amount) is attractive. What are the out-of-bundle charges? Do they say? Any URL for reference?

They're very definitely on the right track with this. More please, its good, but not good enough .... yet! Data has to come down much much more to become commoditised and more widely used.

There will be more protestation about 3 undercharging for their services, but we'll never get data-centric apps off the ground unless and until the data bearers for these become affordable. I truly hope that this rocks the other four into action to do similar. The trend is there, but it is moving far too slowly. We need revolution not evolution here!

3rd December 2005, 06:09 PM
I think it's £2/mb out of any bundle or for pay-as-you-use... does this mean that all 3 subscribers can now access 'Mobile Web' thought having to purchase an add-on or make any changes to their account? Definitely sounds like a vast improvement.

3rd December 2005, 07:28 PM
Much better but remember that 'Mobile Web' is the walled park product. The only fully open access product is 'Wireless Web'. £15 sounds pretty reasonable for what's on offer but I wonder just how many of three's £4.99 line rental customers will rush to sign-up for a data deal that's 3 times the price of their voice and texts.

A significant move in the right direction but they need to offer full flexibility open access without subscribing to a bundle.

Certainly looks like 3 UK is heeding the latest anyalists advice and trying to sell more than just cheap voice deals. Better late than never I supppose!

3rd December 2005, 11:50 PM
i did read somewhere that payg users will still have the walled garden and this will only be open to contract customers