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View Full Version : Vodafone besieged by short termists

30th January 2006, 11:30 PM

An interesting two-page article on The Register that discusses Vodafone's position in the USA and the continued pressure Arun Sarin is under. Anyone who has sucumb to Vodafone (and never ever thought they would, like me) should find this article an interesting read, provided you actually give a damn about the company behind the network!

Happy reading.

31st January 2006, 12:08 AM
"Global brand, global footprint" - for a sign of how successfull that can be one only has to look as far as HSBC. They've even branded the London airports!

Sarin is on the right track [with globalising the Vodafone brand], but I think his problem is that Vodafone don't own enough of Verizon to rebrand it into Vodafone, a brand that is recognised around the rest of the world (pretty much).

Sarin has to stay, his driving force in Vodafone has been a positive benefit. Getting rid of him would be short-termist in the extreme!