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View Full Version : UK maintains passion for text messaging during February 2006

25th March 2006, 08:22 PM
In the face of other messaging types that exist and yet to come the humble SMS is king of kings. Will the next generation of Customers be inspired to switch over to 3G merely to send these tiny little 160 character messages quicker? At 10p per SMS Feb's revenue amounts to £270Mln across the operators if the figure reported below is correct (not allowing for bundled quantities of course). It is a huge figure and no doubt accounts for why so much can be bundled these days (unthinkable only a few years back). The predicted annual total revenue amounts to something like £3,200,000,000, which is no small beer, even if it is distributed across the five UK operators!

Imagine, then, if the mobile operators stopped getting all silly about "premium services" and reduced MMS and suchlike to similar pricing levels? SMS would not stop or reduce, its too good at what it does. But the Customer use of such previousl-premium services would rocket and add to that tidy little annual sum. Shame really that the mobile operators cannot see that particular wood for the trees. Discuss?

February's text messaging total reached 2.7 billion messages, according to figures released today by the Mobile Data Association (MDA). Person-to-person texts sent across the UK GSM network operators last month show an increase of 26% on the total sent during the same period in 2005.

February's figure provides an average of 99 million messages being sent per day in the UK. However on February 14th handsets proved to be the red-hot choice for confirming those 3 little words 'I love you' as romantics across the UK chose to send 120 millionmessages compared with the 10 million cards estimated to have been delivered by the Post Office.

Another special date to be celebrated with text messaging is this Sunday March 26th - Mother's Day. Try texting your mum one of these poems to get yourself in her good books...

You’ve seen me laugh
You’ve seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
But thanks and I love you
Happy Mother’s Day

Many hugs
Only luv never anger
Teaching me
Helping me
Every smile when I was sad
Raising me to be strong
- thanks for being u.

When ur a child she walks before u,
2 set an example.
When ur a teenager she walks behind u,
2 be there should you need her.
When ur an adult she walks beside u,
So that as 2 friends u can enjoy life together..

Over the last six years text.it (www.text.it) has witnessed text messaging grow from a popular craze to becoming an essential communication tool. The full statistics of this text message explosion and monthly figure releases can be found at: www.text.it/mediacentre/default.asp?intPageID=96..

Text.it carries out text message counts on specific days throughout the year. Diary dates incorporating the most recent figures are listed on the web site at www.text.it/mediacentre/default.asp?intPageID=478.

Notes to Editors

The highest ever total of text messages recorded was 3.113 billion in December 2005.
6th December 2005, the Mobile Data Association (MDA)forecast that text messaging figures would rise to deliver an annual total of 36.5 billion text messages for 2006.
The MDA’s estimated annual total of text messages for 2005 was 32 billion; this forecast was revised from 30 billion in September 2005.
June 2005 marked the launch of Phase 6 of the MDA’s generic awareness campaign to promote the advantages of text messaging across all networks, and provide a current information service through the text.it website for both consumers and business users. The consumer campaign targets both users and non-SMS users. The corporate programme focuses on business end-users and incorporates a web-based information service
The Mobile Data Association (MDA) was established in 1994 to increase awareness of mobile data amongst users and their advisers. The MDA acts as a focal point for its members, (vendors and users) and outside parties interested in knowing more about the industry
The MDA announces the total number of chargeable person-to-person text messages sent on behalf of the UK GSM Network operators. These figures are announced in the third week of the following month. For further information visit the MDA website at www.mda-mobiledata.org or the Text It Campaign web site at www.text.it
Mike Short, MDA Chairman is available for comment.

Article Source: http://www.text.it/home.cfm