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16th April 2006, 04:22 PM

Whats due soon on 3?

Im looking for a phone with a good camera.

16th April 2006, 04:27 PM
Hi Welcome to Talk3g.co.uk

Good question!

There is a new varient of the LG U880 - the U890 with a new keypad layout but the camera is only 1.3MP. (Details elsewhere in this forum).

The Motorola V3x has a 2MP camera as does the Nokia 6280 and the N70.

3 have been tight-lipped about future additions to their UK range but they have recently added both new Samsung and SonyEricsson models in other markets.

Keep you eye on this forum and we'll do our best to bring you the news of any future additions to phone models both on 3 and all the other UK networks.

16th April 2006, 05:30 PM
Bar the N80 it doesn't seem like there's much exciting 3G hardware coming out at the moment. Still, maybe it's the quiet before the storm. Here's hoping ;)

16th April 2006, 05:36 PM
Lets not forget Sony Ericsson with their Walkman/Cybershot/Mobile phone integration in the likes of the W900i and its successors both announced and yet to be announced. They are making some stonkingly good equipment. Will 3 have it in their portfolio? Who knows? Who cares really? The marketplace is wide open to competition and there are some very competitive tariff deals on the go, and yet to come.

Does it have to be 3 only? :)

16th April 2006, 06:13 PM
Does it have to be 3 only? :)
Good question... there's plenty of choice out there, and some amazing deals for new customers if you'd contemplate switching!

16th April 2006, 08:26 PM
I once thought that I'd never contemplate porting to another network.

Instead, I'd go through the pain of changing number as well as network. But this time round, I have such a good phone number from 3 that I really do not want to lose it. So I have elected to port the number across - this is scheduled for 24/4/06 - I've seen this happen (and not happen) many times before so I'm not counting any chickens etc.

The major catalyst for change was simply T-Mobile's Flext + Web 'n Walk combination package, especially at this time because T-Mobile are offering 25% discount for the life of the contract (25% disco offer ends at end April so you've got to be quick). That is all a very major draw for me to go to T-Mobile, a network I would not have contemplated due to unattractive tariffs (I still do not like any of their other tariffs, but Flext is simply a must have for me).

Well worth a look
T-Mobile's offering is available as Flext (http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/Dispatcher?menuid=plans_flext&chosenPricePlan=pmt) only or Flext + Web 'n Walk (http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/Dispatcher?menuid=plans_webnwalk_flextplans&chosenPricePlan=pmt) - both of which are well worth considering, even if you are not thinking of leaving your present network at this time. There is even a little slider gizmo (http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/Dispatcher?menuid=plans_flext_get&chosenPricePlan=pmt)for you to graphically work out how many Voicecalls, SMS Text and MMS you can get for a given Flext price plan. It is well worth having a tinker with just to see what you can get for your dosh.

I am not sure this can be bettered at the moment. Unless your call pattern fits Vodafone's Stop The Clock (http://online.vodafone.co.uk/dispatch/Portal/appmanager/vodafone/wrp?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=Page_BOS_MainContent&pageID=GM_0331) better. Here calls at evenings and weekends are charged for the first 3 minutes and then the remaining 57 minutes are free. Once the hour is up, hang up and dial up again for another 3+57 minutes. Now that really is a tough one to beat, those contracted minutes all of a sudden go a really long way.

Stop The Clock (http://online.vodafone.co.uk/dispatch/Portal/appmanager/vodafone/wrp?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=Page_BOS_MainContent&pageID=GM_0331)is available on all of their 18 month contracts. It is also available on their PAYG

Vodafone's Online Store (http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=offers.stop-the-clock&WT_ref=HOM-01-03-2006-H001) has more details and specific offers.

I am not convinced that anyone else can really better these at the moment. But that really depends on what your call pattern is, and both of these suit me down to the ground :)

19th April 2006, 01:25 AM
The problem i have is that only O2 and 3 work in my house. Orange and Vodafone are terrible.

19th April 2006, 03:00 AM
No T-Mobile either?