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View Full Version : Which Mobile Operator has the widest selection of 3G Handsets?

28th June 2006, 07:33 AM
What do you reckon then? Who, in your opinion, has the widest selection of 3G handsets then? Does that influence your choice of mobile network operator, and why? Is it even a factor in your choice? Or do you just go for the best or most suitable tariff and take the nearest fit handset?


28th June 2006, 12:52 PM
Completely in my own head, I voted for Vodafone. I think handset range is critical, and Vodafone's has always impressed me - ever since the beautiful V800i. Vodafone's 3G exclusives like the Sharp range have also impressed me, and while the Sharps were probably not big sellers they were certainly interesting, quality mobile phones.

Three also have exclusives, but I don't think the MOS-1, LG's and NEC's can really match up to Vodafone's SE's, Nokia's and Sharps.

29th June 2006, 11:58 PM
The votes are climbing and it looks like Vodafone are head and shoulders above the rest. To be true, I have also voted for Vodafone, as their website is rich in the sheer number of different 3G handsets.

Three seem to repeat on their handsets; different colours etc. Also they have still the old NEC and Motorola handsets that I am sure they can no longer supply (anyone tried to order an A835 lately?). So that is a bit of a cheat

The remainder seem to have only a small selection of 3G handsets, and no real sign of the quantity growing any time real soon now!!

I can wait :) I still have at least 10 months with Vodafone and 14 months with T-Mobile. By then we'll be having 3D/3G holographic displays and full 5.1 DD sound etc.... I wish :D