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View Full Version : Moving from 2g over to 3g?

30th March 2005, 11:57 PM
Have you recently moved from 2g over to a nice all singing, all dancing 3g phone? In fact, do you have scores of old 2g handsets filling a cupboard at home? Why don't you make use of those old handsets and give a helping hand to Childline at the same time.

As reported in the Independent 19.03.05:

Mopay (http://mopay.co.uk) will pay cash and make a donation to charity in return for your old mobile phone. In fact the recycling company is offering up to £70 for each phone, though most models are around a fiver.

You can choose to donate the entire fee to Childline, but if you keep the cash, Mopay will donate 10 per cent anyway. They reckons 15 million handsets become obsolete each year as people move on to new handsets, with only around 10% being recycled.

A bit of spring cleaning and all for a good cause.

9th April 2005, 05:11 PM
There's certainly no reason to ever throw a mobile phone in the bin. Always try and use one of the many recycling scheme's available. Mopay does sound particularly good, but you can also recycle your phone via Tesco and get clubcard points for example. Vodafone also have recycling boxes in their phone stores.

More recycling initiatives are needed for the increasing deluge of technology products, computers included, that are being disposed of.