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15th August 2006, 08:56 PM
Anyone tried to request a PAC code from orange recently?

I understand they used to send them out by text message but now (so I am informed) "due to data protection" (complete and utter BS, I reckon) and/or "a business decision" they will only post them out. This decision was made a few weeks ago, apparently. The only possible justification I can think of for this is to make it that bit more of a hassle to switch networks.

A minor irritation when you're out and about and decide you want to sign up to a new contract with another service provider. Another example of Orange no longer providing the rolls royce service it used to.

15th August 2006, 10:40 PM
I can't say I know I'm afraid, I've not moved networks in years now. Does anyone else know if any of the other networks are doing the same? Anyone had a PAC code recently?

As for the "to make it that bit more of a hassle to switch networks." I suppose once you've decided you're off, having to get your PAC in letter form would hardly make you think, ah well, seeing as it's going to take a few days I might as well stay! Would it?! ;)

15th August 2006, 10:51 PM
I was given a PAC by three to switch to Vodafone no problems over the phone.
When I moved away from Vodafone, however, they said that they were only allowed to post it out. They didn't post it out, and I had to phon up Vodafone several times and they eventually gave me it over the phone.
They really don't make it easy for you, do they?

15th August 2006, 11:03 PM
When I moved away from Vodafone, however, they said that they were only allowed to post it out. They didn't post it out, and I had to phon up Vodafone several times and they eventually gave me it over the phone.
They really don't make it easy for you, do they?

Hmm, well that's all new info on me! Perhaps they've all been told this is the way they need to run it now? Any other recent experiences from the other networks?

16th August 2006, 09:13 AM
I don't know about Orange, but like timothythetim it was easy to get the PAC from three but a nightmare to get it from Vodafone. After several phonecalls and then several emails I received the PAC by email and not by post as I was repeatedly told. You have to keep on at Vodafone.

17th August 2006, 07:17 AM
Having to wait four days for your PAC code is like having an enforced 'cooling off' period.

It hasn't made me change my mind about moving but it would have stopped me making an impulsive decision had I wanted to.

17th August 2006, 07:27 AM
3 gave me the code over the phone during the cancellation call. They then followed it up with a written letter to me.

At any time in the 30 day life period of the PAC I could have gone back to 3 and retained my contract and phone number, according to the letter.