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View Full Version : FREE TV on your mobile!*

19th September 2006, 02:03 AM
*some charges may apply! :p

However, if you've got a whole bunch-o-data you struggle to get through each month then this might be the way to use it up! Run by the same folk that 3GSU pointed out a few days ago for their Bluetooth VoIP application for mobiles, they've come up with FreeBe TV. (http://freebe.rok.tv/)

All you do is fill in your details, they send you a link and PIN, you log in and watch TV, all you pay is your data transferred to your operator. Granted, the supported handset listing seems poor and the channel listing doens't look that great, but for free* what do you expect?!

If you give it a bash let us know how it is!

*yes, you'll be charged for data, so be aware, it's not "completely" free!