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View Full Version : SIM-Free Unlocked Motorola V3 from LIDL

20th December 2006, 04:49 PM
Seen in the Daily Mail today (20/12/06), LIDL are selling the Motorola RAZR V3 for £84.99 "SIM Free Unlocked Handset" ...... "Also available in Pink, Black or Silver"

If you've never shopped at LIDL please note, you will have to be in the morning queue around 8.30am to be able to get anything like this. They'll be sold out within the first 30 minutes of opening, if even that long!

This is a pretty good offer for the V3 SIM-Free. CPW are selling pairs of these for similar amounts, but you have to buy £50 airtime (not sure if thats between the pair or each!) the time of purchase, and then they are not SIM-Free - you'd have to arrange the unlocking yourself.

Motorola are clearly clearing out what seems to be a massive stock of V3 handsets. Did they over-manufacture? Can we expect the same for the V3i and V3x in time to come?