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8th February 2007, 07:51 PM
...Fortunately it is only cosmetic (Having the top casing replaced as I am seeing some discolouring ) - but I am still worried about it :(

They need to keep it in for 3 days (went in yesterday!)

Suggested to my wife that we pop into the service place today with a bunch of grapes , just to see how things are going - But she didn't sound to impressed

....Still ,hopefully it'll be back home recovering before we know it :D

8th February 2007, 08:02 PM
Awwww, hell no! Get Well Soon (http://www1.hellocrazy.com/reserved/cards/200501090848210.soon.jpg) :D

8th February 2007, 10:20 PM
LoL, aw, bless it's little rubber feet.

Discolouration has been common in some of the Macbooks, particularly the earlier models. I'm glad that you're having it seen to (and that it is being seen to without you having to make too much of a fuss) but it does echo one of the main problems with Apple's products - they look far too fantastic to be subjected to the stresses and strains of everyday life!

Get well soon Macbook!

8th February 2007, 10:25 PM
Well my 2 ipods are polished with brasso (the chrome part) and waxed with car polish (the screens) to maintain their good looks. Never before have I had a gadget that demanded so much love. Even XP "just" works (although I don't like it, hence my dabbling with linux).

I'm sure your macbook will come back looking better than ever.

8th February 2007, 10:27 PM
Well my 2 ipods are polished with brasso (the chrome part) and waxed with car polish (the screens) to maintain their good looks.
LoL! Love it :D

8th February 2007, 10:30 PM
I keep my iPod 5G Video 80GB in a leather case (white of course), it only rarely comes out for depositing in the car FM radio link thingy. Not tried brasso, it just gets a gentle breath and wipe with a soft cloth to keep its chrome bits sparkling.

Brasso is also good for removing minor scratches from plastic facias.

8th February 2007, 10:40 PM
It's quite sad really :o , but they need that tender touch.

9th February 2007, 07:34 AM
The discolouration was not really that bad , it was there , but TBH had I not heard stories of it being corrected under warranty , I would have just accepted it as fair wear & tear
I was actually in the apple place talking to the guy about something else, when I mentioned I had a little discolouring - and he straight away told me to "bring it in , we'll sort it out and Apple will pay us "

apparrantly Apple used the wrong plastic coating ,

I think it is a smart move of Apples to be sorting this out , after all - My macbook appears to be a source of advertising for them (As , I suspect . all their products are ) - Whenever people see it , they always "want one" , and in a few cases they have gone out and bought a mac - you just don't seem to get that "hypnotic" effect with stuff from other manufacturers

9th February 2007, 05:28 PM
yay ! its home

looking splendid too

... As well as the top casing , i was surprised to note that they have changed the keyboard and trackpad too - just before it went I noticed that some keys , and the middle of the trackpad were developing a bit of a "shine" - but now they all look good as new :D

Good work Apple fellas !

10th February 2007, 07:02 PM
If i just had the spare cash I'd go get one just so I was in the gang! ;)


10th February 2007, 07:55 PM
Love those Mitchell and Webb ads. I was watching all of them on the Apple website before bed last night. I ended up dreaming that I was drunk and I was shouting at some guy:

"You're a PC! YOU'RE A PC!! I'm a Mac"


10th February 2007, 07:57 PM
Now, now .... be nice :D

10th February 2007, 08:15 PM
They're good ads :D I prefer the US ones, mind, but they're good.

10th February 2007, 08:20 PM
Just been reading the BBC article on the ads and the public feedback (not all of it complimentary to BBC or Apple) here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6343789.stm