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View Full Version : Cracking Retention Deal

10th May 2007, 01:26 PM
Phoned up to cancel an old 3toGo SIM I lost ages ago. Got through to a nice lady, gave her the number & she started on about how I was a very valued customer, and how as I'd been a customer since late 2002 they had a really special deal for me.

Bit of history - got an NEC e808 as a Friends & Family before 3 launched, then transfered onto 3toGo. Used it a bit, but was bulky & battery life sucked. Upgraded to a Moto E1000 when they came out, free from Mobileshop (I think it was a mistook on their site, but they honoured it). In the 5 years they've had the grand total of £3.04 out of me; a non-DD charge they tried to impose when I made a £0.04 voicemail call until I pointed out that I'd given DD details originally & they just hadn't set it up, so I've been in £2.96 credit for months. Really not worth them sending a bill each month. Plenty of incoming calls though.

The special deal - K800i free, new SIM card, 750min/150texts for £28 on an 18 month contract. It works out at 14 months free, month 15 is about £5 then 16/17/18 are the normal £28, with an upgrade allowed at month 15. Erm... yeah go on then ;-)

10th May 2007, 04:28 PM
3 offer some great upgrade deals i have to say. I have got friends on tmobile who when upgrading only get a small discount off their new phone. 1 of my friends upgraded on tmobile to a n73 a while back and had to pay £79 for the phone.

To be honest the best upgrade deals are from retentions. Cant wait til i get my phone call from them!. Should be a nice little saver

10th May 2007, 06:20 PM
Three appear to have seen a certain amount of sense in that, if a customer churns, it's going to have to spend the money anyway attracting a new customer. They're doing the sensible thing and locking subcribers in for another 18 months, even if it means making no profit from that subscriber.