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22nd June 2007, 05:16 PM

yes, nice to be here but I'm not sure if it's the right place. Don't see any others using such terms as TCP/IP, echo packets, etc., so wondering if I'd better look elsewhere. Basically, having computer-related problems with the network.

Suggestions, or shall I put it all down?

Best, Trev

22nd June 2007, 07:16 PM
Slap 'em on here, at worst everyone can go "Eh?".

22nd June 2007, 07:19 PM
We have an OT (Off Topic) discussion area on the forum - just scroll down to the bottom of the front page and post to your heart's content. We have some fairly clever peeps on here from all walks of life.

Computer networks we have a few who know about these *blush* Don't we Ben ..... and others :D

22nd June 2007, 08:53 PM
Have you tried turning it off then on again? :D

22nd June 2007, 09:06 PM
Eh ? :confused:

22nd June 2007, 09:12 PM
Just for good order, I've relocated the thread to where it should be.

So come on then Trev (welcome to Talk3G btw) - lets have yer questions then .... whassup with your notwork?

22nd June 2007, 11:26 PM
Computer networks we have a few who know about these *blush* Don't we Ben ..... and others :D
Totally, we're game! He's the brains and I, well, I'm learning the hard way :D

26th June 2007, 02:13 PM
yes, a few days later, having bought a new computer which may actually solve the problem [not arrived yet]....

So, at the moment, I'm using a Mac Laptop with OS9.0.4 [cos I actually hate OSX] last update available was about 2001 - predates 3G! But I have managed to get an infrared connection with my new Nokia 6233.

Download of email, web pages, ftp is fine, flies along, whatever the size.

I try to upload anything larger than about 3kB [a small email] and the sending application just sits there waiting. Any file ftp'd over that size appears as empty on the server. [0kB but present]. As I do a lot of work on web sites, this is not what I need.

3's techies don't know my prehistoric OS, but on later Mac OSX they know about it being necessary to turn off "echo packets" in the TCP settings. I don't have that option to turn off [stuck on?].

I have TCP header compression off, and have tried with and without error correction in modem.....

Anyone Mac-savvy care to suggest anything more than abandon OS9 completely for uploads?

Anyone else having only upload problems using a 3G phone as a modem?

Thanks, Trev

26th June 2007, 04:57 PM
Sounds like an MTU problem, try turning off the IP Path MTU Discovery feature of Open Transport. It's on the System 9 CD, in CD Extras, Network Extras, OTExtras, TCP/IP folder, control panel "TCP/IP Options".

26th June 2007, 05:54 PM
In a tiny little voice: What computer have you gone and bought? If it's not a Mac running OS X we're going to do the angry mob thing we've been practising on Thursday evenings.

26th June 2007, 07:24 PM
Wow! "Hate" is a bit strong :) But hey! whatever floats thy boat :D

I don't know OS9 at all so will be about as useful to you as a choccy fireguard. However, I can say that I am using OS X with a mobile phone as a modem over Bluetooth - so its almost what you have in terms of physical connection.

Yes, the "Echo Packets" has to be turned off, but Header Compression often works okay.

I'd go with MTU as a starter - if the MTU Path Discovery suggestion by bsrjl1 does not work - try setting a lower MTU manually, try something as low as 512 and work it up in increments until you break it again, then back it off to the previous working setting.

30th June 2007, 04:20 PM
Thanks for those suggestions - will report back. The new[er] g4 powerbook made friends with the phone rapidly via bluetooth, but as I couldn't face much more of the OS in its unpersonalised form, I aborted that experience... now I can't even get past the security onto my own new computer! Pushing the limits on other forums to try and get past that.... So glad I've still got this tame old OS to work in!

best, Trev

30th June 2007, 04:27 PM
:) I can hardly believe you're having a bit of a tussle with OS X. I did, only once, lay hands on a pre-OS X Mac, a few years back - I couldn't tell you what the version of the OS was . The experience completely convinced me to stay away from the Mac platform for near-on five years. Only when I (this year) got to have a drive of OS X did it persuade me to eschew MS Windows almost completely.

But then, I suppose its all about what you're used to. It did take a while to get me off CP/M and onto Windows 1.0 :D

30th June 2007, 07:53 PM
Well, having dug up the old OS9 instal discs, discovered that that extra TCP control panel really does exist, installing it and rebooting with suggested settings... still can't upload via the phone. Furthermore, I can't get so much as a very simple web page now... even an ftp list command only gets as far as agreeing to talk with the server... no list. Baa. Many resettings, reboots and purges of prams etc later, still the same, though ethernet broadband seems to be OK.

Re the newer powerbook with OSsucks... I suppose my gripe is that it's too glitzy with not enough *simple* customisability. Typical is that I can choose from hundreds of images for the desktop but can't set it to a simple colour of *my* [not apple's] choice! I dont need or want all this log-in stuff to deal with, and all these layers of permissions - I'm an only user and I'd like the option of easy access rather than security. All I need is a simple warning of an action's consequences.

On the brighter side, I managed to resurrect it again from the instal disc after it locked me out, by suffering to be just another "user" for a while, and by having taken a step back in OS release number. I actually only bought the thing after discovering there's some pretty good software to get in there and actually crowbar it all open and make it do what you want. So that's the way I'll be going this evening, guys.

Wish me luck, happy 3Ging to yous. I'll drop by again from the other machine when I get it tamed enough. ;-)

Best, Trev

30th June 2007, 08:09 PM
:) I did, only once, lay hands on a pre-OS X Mac, a few years back - I couldn't tell you what the version of the OS was . The experience completely convinced me to stay away from the Mac platform for near-on five years. Only when I (this year) got to have a drive of OS X did it persuade me to eschew MS Windows almost completely.

But then, I suppose its all about what you're used to. It did take a while to get me off CP/M and onto Windows 1.0 :D

actually, yes. I agree. Staring at the un-custiomised raw os9 interface you get if you boot from an instal disc, it's even more awful than osSucks, but over the years I've accumulated various personal settings and bolt-ons that I immediately instal that transform it completely, such that you'd hardly recognise it. http://finderpop.com is such a beauty now available for osx too, as are browsers such as http://iCab.de that let you get your mits on every and anything... T

30th June 2007, 08:48 PM
An interesting pair of apps - thanks for sharing :)

It does rather sound like you assemble a completely new OS on top of OS 9 :D And why not indeed. The beauty of the Mac OSs is that they, like any well turned out Un*x, is extensible and bespokable to an almost infinite degree.

I guess that OS 9 hardware will be around for quite some long time yet - but also that as each successor to OS X Tiger comes along that you'll be increasingly left out of the action. But then again, if you've crafted your "perfect" OS and it does what you need it to, then who is anyone to say "No" to you. There are, after all, some out there who are still running Windows 3.11 :eek:.

For my part - I have found OS X a very pleasant experience away from Windows XP (my life's work involves MS OSs). I've checked out Vista and won't be going there any time soon now :) But even the vanilla OS X Tiger, out of the box, does pretty much all I need. I'm coming to terms with the keyboard sortcuts - some of which are essential in the likes of Safari - which I've been using more and more since they introduced tabs. Otherwise my mainstream browsing has been with Firefox to date.

But apps aside - and returning to your original topic - I do find that OS X has a great degree of control of the OS environment made simple to access. The need to dip into the /etc/ directory is completely negated as far as I have seen so far. Although, for those that have the desire they can manage the system the "old fashioned way". Checking and adjusting the networking parameters for connectivity is relatively easy in this OS, although it is different from Windows XP so the brain has to adjust between the two to find things in different places.

So did you get the problem fixed in the end? Judging by what you said last I think that you should try and identify if you have any timing issues (TTL settings perhaps). The latencies via GPRS are staggeringly huge in comparison with anything terrestrial. You could be facing packet timeouts if your IP settings are optimised for landline communications. Try setting the timeouts to something ridiculously large (say 5 seconds) and see if that eases the situation - you can back them off after you get it running.

Do keep us appraised.

2nd July 2007, 09:43 PM
Well, I'm getting to feel less like defacing that new machine as I learn how to make it behave more like I expect. Perhaps the english language needs a new term, akin to "culture shock".... ---> OS SHOCK
smiley I want - from another php board
or maybe...
insuppose that is :rolleyes: here

but the serious bit - THE NEW MACHINE RUNNING OS10.3.4 IS CONSTIPATED IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS THE OLD!! - with it configured according to all the previous suggestions. So this makes me wonder what "3" are playing at, or if it's the phone [nokia 6233]. Phone itself seems to be able to access pages without any problem, so what the hell is going on? Any suggestions for tests that would pin problem on phone, or network or something common to the two operating systems.

Being unable to even browse on the phone via the computer whilst mobile is a very serious problem, even more serious than not being able to upload, and makes the new phone pretty much a waste of money.

Back to my cupboard,

Best, Trev