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View Full Version : Nokia 770's going Cheap

22nd July 2007, 05:35 PM
....A bargain from Expansys ? (an oxymoron surely ? :rolleyes: )

But no , if this kind of thing floats your boat, then this is a bloody good price IMO (£73)


22nd July 2007, 10:38 PM
And if you're wondering WTF its all about there's a clue here http://www.mobileburn.com/review.jsp?Id=1376

I can see why it failed!

25th July 2007, 11:17 AM
I suppose with the arrival of the cheap laptop, devices such as this were always going to be hit or miss. A little like the tablet pc (although I hear that some business sectors like it?). I've not used one, but I imagine it's a little like surfing the net on a PSP and that's not a good experience.

25th July 2007, 07:04 PM
^^^ I agree !! surfing on the PSP is an absolute nightmare - trying to sus it all out nearly drove me mad :mad: ... and then , once I had sussed it -it was still frustrating and nearly impossible -The 770 has a touch screen , so it will be far easier to use than PSP I think
I don't think the 770 is really a BAD device , it is just a little outclassed by similar devices that also have built in data connectivity - Ironically , if they had included sim support I think the 770 would have been a real hit - the "geeks" are all raving about how great a linux PDA would be - Windows mobile owners are all always keen to get linux installed on their devices - Nokia got halfway towards making peoples dreams come true , but then stopped short of putting a radio in the bloody thing !
Nokia has all but pulled out of the PDA market now , with the next communicator be yet another s60 devices (meaning that having two "apps" (such as the signal meter and the Battery meter) running at the same time will crash the bloody thing !) - but they had one last shot at PDA Glory and blew it IMO !