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View Full Version : What are you going to buy for Christmas?

18th November 2007, 08:23 AM
Okay, I've asked the flipside to this question so now its your turn :D

Again, keeping mobile telephone handset in your mind, what are you going to buy others for Christmas this year? :)

Go on, do tell :D

18th November 2007, 08:29 AM
I'll start the ball rolling.....

For my little man (13 going on 14) who has a 18-month Samsung D900 I am thinking about gettting him something newer. He's on a 30-day contract with Vodafone and behaved well with it. I'm thinking a Sony Ericsson K800i Cybershot from Vodafone for £90.

18th November 2007, 08:35 AM
Not sure exactly , but the bread knife does need a new phone (she is using my N80 at the moment )
Ideally , it needs to be pink (or equally girly ) & 3G / FFC , (so I can Videocall my little boy from work )
Haven't got a clue yet , but I'm sure I'll find something !

18th November 2007, 12:29 PM
How's about this, miffed? http://www.nokia.co.uk/link?cid=PLAIN_TEXT_29687

Certainly not a mans Nokia, by any stretch of the imagination! Well... maybe by your imagination! *runs*

18th November 2007, 02:07 PM
How's about this, miffed? http://www.nokia.co.uk/link?cid=PLAIN_TEXT_29687

Certainly not a mans Nokia, by any stretch of the imagination! Well... maybe by your imagination! *runs*

Thats the one my ball and chain bought for herself when she came over from the dark side (O2) to Vodafone. She loves it to bits and it fits Miffed's criteria for Videocall and all that stuff. Its also very robust in the old dear's handbag (a veritable TARDIS by even Women's standards) surviving the worst that she can do to it. Battery life is very respectable - but I have got her well trained to charge it overnight, not that she always does it and then the handset is very forgiving and sees her through another day. Nice little 3G handset, that is. :)

18th November 2007, 02:35 PM

Cheers Ben ! TBH I was geting a little stuck on this one , I had only really looked at PAYG phones though & not sim free stuff

This is ideal though :)

18th November 2007, 04:46 PM
i have this Phone Miffed and your Wife will love it :D

had mine about 5 months now on Voda and im so *in love* with it

Firstly it aint like most of the Tacky Pink girly phones out there

its a Classy Cream and Pink colour , it has the Chuppa Chup Strawberry and Cream Style going on also it has a funky pattern on the back which i love

Obviously mine has a Girly Pink charm and a lil Sock i put it in , but seriously get a sock for it, oh and something to wipe the make up off it lol

19th November 2007, 09:11 AM
I'm thinking more and more about an iPod Touch, either for Christmas or before then. I really don't know how much I'd use one, but I keep drifting around to the idea. I mostly like the idea of being able to use iTunes when I'm out and about, as that's normally when I hear songs and decide that I want them (before forgetting by the time I get home).

19th November 2007, 07:56 PM
One of the nice things about iTunes on the iPod Touch (and the iPhone for that matter) is that you can preview the tracks too - about 30-seconds worth of the track is beamed down to you to listen before you commit. Its a superb idea and I can already feel my iTunes credit card twitching in my pocket .... They may turn me onto buying music this way yet .... I've resisted for years, much preferring to nip down BW to HMV/Virgin etc..