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View Full Version : Charlie Sheen in upside-down iPhone outrage

26th November 2007, 12:05 PM
This is way too funny not to post on here ......

Handsome thesp Charlie Sheen has a certain amount of explaining to do after he was caught on camera suffering from a nasty case of "Jesus mobe inversion syndrome":

Sheen is the first major celeb to succumb to the condition - initially spotted in an episode of The Bionic Woman (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2007/11/12/iphone_outrage/) - the symptoms of which are a clear inability to tell the iCon's arse from its elbow, quickly followed by internet exposure, ridicule and eternal banishment from fanboyland.

This particular outrage was picked up by engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2007/11/22/charlie-shes-trying-to-tell-you-the-iphones-upside-down/), which pleaded: "Seriously, please don't make us start another feature series of dumbass celebs holding the iPhone upside down."

It's too late for that, chaps - the blogosphere's iPhone orientation monitoring operatives are as we speak slo-moing months of US TV for further examples of cellular abuse. Expect further shock revelations.

Article Source: http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2007/11/22/sheen_iphone_outrage/