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24th December 2007, 04:11 PM
.... In something less than eight hours the big fat red-suited geezer will have been and deposited something in all of our Christmas stockings :cool:

For those of us who have not yet completed the shopping experience it is almost too late (certainly if you are reading this instead of running around the local mall with all the other menfolk - why do we always delay it!?!). Bargains are to be had, according to the papers, as the sales of up to 70% off have already started. But not, it seems to me, in the technology items. As usual any "sales" prices are meagre reductions on what one would have spent a few weeks ago.

But enough of this "Bah Humbug!" stuff. The clock's a'ticking and I can hardly wait the morning light :D

Woo hoo!

24th December 2007, 05:31 PM
LOL Woooo cant wait :D

My Prezzies keep looking at me from under the tree ¬_¬

its killing me to Wait til tomorrow morning but i must be Strong :D

24th December 2007, 06:41 PM
I love it !

My little boy is excited , despite having a horrible cough thing

Don't think I'll be getting anything "exciting" (in 3G terms !) for Xmas - and my wife , who was due to get a new handset , actually threatened to kill me if her present had anything to do with Apple or mobile phones ! :eek: ( wonder what brought that on ? )

.. So I don't predict a 'techy' Xmas here -

Anyone here have a hunch they may be getting anything 3G ?

24th December 2007, 08:12 PM
Most definitely 1,000% I am not getting anything 3G this year! Some Appley stuff perhaps (I've not quite got one of everything they produce :D)

25th December 2007, 12:10 AM
Not expecting much/anything in the way of tech here either... but I'm very excited that Father Christmas is going to bring a 2008 of go-anywhere high speed Internet and some extremely cool sub-notebooks! :D

25th December 2007, 08:18 AM
Woo hoo! The new Apple Keyboard arrived in the stocking this morning *screeeeem*. That fat guy, you gotta love him :D

I know I saw one in the Bluewater Apple store and played with it there. But at home the thing is so very different! In a nice sort of way. It looks even more slimline and petite on the desk with all of my usual desk clutter :) The action on the keys is even better sitting down than standing at the Apple desks. And I do think that the feel of the keyboard is very much more natural and satisfying than the original white plastic Mac keyboard. I'm a trained touch typist and so am very sensitive to keyboards - on the original Mac keyboard I was forever making typos which I am not on this one.

I'm not sure that this new aluminium keyboard is going to do anything much to improve the risk of RSI though. Being so low profile it does encourage more wrist bend that I would want to see on the untrained. My early days of being taught to type involved some slapping of the wrist with a wooden ruler by the instructors at the Post Office International Telegraph Service training school in Farringdon (London). One soon learned not to allow the wrist to bend :D Oh happy physical abuse days, when will they ever return :D

I hope you all got something nice in your stockings today :D

25th December 2007, 11:37 AM
I actually find the low profile makes the keyboard much easier on my wrists. Grats on the great present!

I had one of those solar mobile phone rechargers ;) I'll let you know whether it's any good some time in mid August when we have a day of continuous sunshine :D