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View Full Version : What's the future for the mobile portal?

8th January 2008, 10:17 AM
Bad title (sorry!), but I was listening to FLOSS (http://www.twit.tv/floss23) and they had a guy on from yahoo who is talking about making mobile access to yahoo go, open source, thus allowing other people / firms to create products that work with yahoo go, thus creating a better user experience.

Then today (surprise surprise) the beeb have this story (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7176077.stm).

Yahoo chief Jerry Yang has revealed the firm's future ambitions for an open and mobile web.

Central to the company's aims is allowing third party software developers to create small applications which can run in Yahoo portals.

We have seen yahoo go before, and it's been fun, useful to some, but generally cumbersome.
Google have also been working hard at creating a mobile environment for those of us on the move.
There are plenty of mobile products designed to get information on a mobile fast.

Surely, with Intel (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7176177.stm)talking about faster mobile processing speeds, portals designed specifically for mobiles, will have limited lifespans? Or is this just a stepping stone to ensure customer loyalty (if that still exists) and brand awareness?

For sure, they way we access the internet is changing and firms are reacting to that, but do we want what they are offering?