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View Full Version : Vodafone 3G coverage

10th May 2005, 12:02 AM
There's another post in the Nokia section talking about problems one of our members was having with number porting. However, davidlove, if I remember correctly, made comment about Voda 3G coverage. This has made me think that it's not the best, I've got a SIM that allows me to connect to all the networks so I think I might have a look and see how they perform around my way. I'd be interested to hear from the various Voda 3G users around the country on how their experiences are of the Vodafone UMTS network.

If you're a member please feel free to add whatever comments you have, if you're a guest reading the post that uses Voda 3G, me and the other Talk3G members would like to hear your opinion, please sign up and let us know.


10th May 2005, 07:12 PM
For me it's the best I've used. I live in a mostly-urban area 20 miles from Birmingham. Three has excellent coverage but it's wasted as the network itself is terrible. Orange 3g is abysmal here - and the 2g doesn't seem very stable. Vodafone 3g coverage is good but still patchy where I am, can get it better upstairs, but it's there all the same, even though it's just starting out it already beats Orange. Plus their 2g is excellent which I think is important.
The same goes in other areas (i travel round a bit), often find I have very good Vodafone 3g coverage in all manner of locations (even in Eire!) whereas Orange's often failed in central London. Plus both Voda's 2g and 3g coverage have been very stable for me too.
I've never tried T-Mobile or o2's 3g coverage, but o2 3g doesn't seem to cover anywhere remotely near me yet anyway.

10th May 2005, 08:03 PM
Vodafone 3G is weak here, and you're frequently passed back to 2G - Orange is better but only just. I used to think Voda's 2G was excellent but these days even sending an MMS attracts three or four failed messages before it'll actually go - and that's just 2G. Voda's 3G does seem very quick though, the music track download I tried came down with impressive speed and without any problems.

Voda have the closest mast to me, so if they'd upgrade it then I'd be laughing.

10th May 2005, 08:34 PM
I've got a SIM that allows me to connect to all the networks

How does that work??? :)

11th May 2005, 12:00 AM
It's a USIM from Orange Belgium, and it's the dogs knackers! :D

Orange 3G... woosh... Voda 3G... woosh... O2 3G... woosh... T Mob 3G... slowly over to Hutch.

11th May 2005, 11:08 AM
Will that not charge you roaming rates over here then?

11th May 2005, 01:06 PM
I've so so got to get me a foreign USIM now :D It might test my pocket a little though, not working for a mobileco and all!

16th May 2005, 11:23 PM
Congrats Voda! Just got back from southern Spain where 3G is stronger than in London. Both places seem patchy "outside normal working hours" though. Coincidence?

27th May 2005, 04:49 PM
I have found with Voda that signal is in the places were you would least expect it. I have searched and it seems pretty strong and not a wide coverage that is weak

15th June 2005, 09:34 PM
3G in Sunderland and Newcastle city centre is pretty good, but variable as soon as you get out of the centres. I'm surprised I can get 3G where I live as it's a really small town and Vodafone is the only network with 3G coverage here.