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View Full Version : Next generation OS

4th April 2008, 01:48 PM
Ok, we've already discussed (https://talk3g.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3867&highlight=operating+systems) the possibility of installing your own OS on your handset, but with android stalling (http://www.news.com/8301-13579_3-9911137-37.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1023_3-0-5) it got me thinking.

I think we should all recognise the future capabilities of mobile handsets. These are now going to be portable computers that make phone calls have data connections. That is a given.

With the iphone being hacked and apps being installed outside of what apple want you to do, windows mobile and symbian already being customisable, what hardware really is needed to enable punters to load their own OS?

Android is going to be open source. Therefore by definition, anyone can modify it and make it run on differing hardware systems. Whether this is practical or not is for you guys to determine.

Let's say that google release the code for Android next year. Does that mean future phones (or existing ones) could run another OS or will handset manufacturers make handsets specific to the OS?

I suppose what I'm getting at is, will the mobile handset market ever get like the PC market?

Also, what features are currently missing that will appear over the next couple of years?