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View Full Version : 5 year contract?

7th May 2008, 08:11 AM
Since my recent handset contemplating, and my observations over how quick new handsets are released, I was wondering if a network offered say a 5 year contract but with a free upgrade every 6 months, would you go for it?

7th May 2008, 08:48 AM
I think for me it's more a case of not wanting to be tied down. I don't know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow, yet alone 5 years from now, so I'd much rather keep my commitments short and pay my own way with my handsets.

There's also the environmental factor... encouraging such a rapid device turnover can't be good for ol' mother nature. I think our phones should be lasting longer, as an updatable platform a little like a laptop, rather than becoming obsolete ever faster. I mean damn, the number of Nokia S60's that could have enjoyed software upgrades (as opposed to updates) to keep them current for longer boggles the mind.

7th May 2008, 12:50 PM

Moving over to the fitness industry , we are now selling the majority of our memberships as 3 year contracts - This is proving very successful (despite my initial reservations about commiting to such a long period !) and it has enabled us to sell gym memberships for as little as £12 per month ! - to give some perspective , when I started using the very same gym 15 years ago , I was Paying £35 per month , and considered this a great deal

I would expect an INSANELY good tariff to sign up for this period - none of this "pretty good value" stuff, it would have to be outstanding - Say , Unlimited texts, minutes & Data for £15 pm , PLUS a free top end handset with perhaps an option of a free/ subsidised upgrade handset at mid term

The tariff would need to be so good , as it has to last 5 years !! - look at how far tariffs have come since 2003

I'd consider it ,but make no mistake , they'd have to make it worth my while

7th May 2008, 02:00 PM
I'm sure even with such a long contract that the network operators would be able to offer tariff changes throughout the life of the contract, as long as you didn't go under a set minimum monthly charge.

7th May 2008, 07:48 PM
No, I'm having none of that stuff at all. As Mr Horse (Ren and Stimpy) would say "No sir, I don't like it!".

Nothing would possess me to commit myself to a 5-year term. I would need a get-out clause and of course we all know Mobile Network contracts do not contain these. I also think that it would stifle competition. For this to be worthwhile to the mobile network operators it would have to look good on their balance sheet. I don't think giving away handsets and revising tariffs mid-term would be a flyer.

Forum Sceptic :D