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View Full Version : Banning mobiles in schools?

20th May 2005, 08:38 PM
After a recent Happy Slapping (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/4566603.stm) incident there appears to be new calls for banning mobile phones in schools.

What do you think? Should mobile phones be banned?

If mobiles were banned in schools, do you think it'd have any affect on the networks and the way they focus their products?

20th May 2005, 08:39 PM
I've votes yes.

Kids in primary and secondary schools at least should be working while they're at school, not texting. No mobiles in schools would also mean networks wouldn't have to worry so much about putting masts up near them!

Perhaps with kids using their mobiles less in schools, the focus from the networks will shift to a more mature audience.

20th May 2005, 08:52 PM
All of my kids have mobile phones. However, I am in favour of banning the use of them at schools - to be more exact, I am in favour of them being radio-jamed in school buildings so that they can [still] be used legitimately in the playground and surrounding area. This is strictly illegal in the UK at the moment, although GSM [and no doubt 3G] jammers can be easily obtained for not very much money.

I am rather against outright banning of everything that gets misused. What next? Camcorders? Still cameras? Art kits? We have to keep it real. It is not the camera phones that are the problem in this strict context of the news article - it is the mindlessness of the attackers who have merely found yet another avenue to revel in their practices.

20th May 2005, 09:04 PM
I disagree. Mobiles should be allowed in schools, not because they're a source of entertainment at break and lunch time, but because they may be needed in emergencies. Primary school children have no reason at all to even own a mobile phone, although parents these days do not seem to realise this. A mobile phone is way too valuable to be put into the hands of someone between the age of 3 and 11. Secondary school children may need a mobile phone to contact their parents or guardians, and therefore shoud be allowed. If anything all phones should be made with the fixed dialling feature, so the children can only call certain numbers. Security locks should be able to be put on any application on the phone by network providers at the will of the childs parent. That way children will not be able to do anything they should not do or should not be doing during school time and can focus on their work while having their phone with them at the same time.

As for happy slappy, most of them occured outside of schools, they were simply spread around via bluetooth. Whether phones were banned in school or not, these things could still occur, and could still be spread around outside of school. Banning phones in school for out of school antics is jsut stupid.

20th May 2005, 09:34 PM
I agree completely with Hypnotic! Well said!

20th May 2005, 09:47 PM
As someone who works in Education, I voted 'yes' as mobiles are very distracting in an environment where people are trying to learn. Its not good enough to allow pupils/students to go outside the class to take calls, that creates distraction for the rest and if allowed could make teaching impossible.

Another problem with modern mobiles is cameras. These can be used (allbeit without malice) to take pictures in changing rooms etc and those can be transmitted on the Internet for the pleasure of some unsavoury individuals.... best solution - no phones in schools or they get left in lockers during classtime.

Now moving on...... In Computer Labs there are worse problems..... Messenger Services.... if mobiles distract just think what these do and with ever more powerful mobiles put them together (as you can on some now) and you have a combination of products that could well affect the educatuon of the next generation.

21st May 2005, 12:54 AM
I don't understand why kids NEED mobile phones in schools? They don't need to contact their parents/guardians from them at all - that's what payphones are for, and all schools have at least one or a phone that can be used at least. Plenty of other distracting gadgets have been banned from a lot of schools. Mobile phones are just another thing to be beaten up for, another thing to break, another thing to lose, another thing to distract students from their studies. My generation managed, at least largely, without mobiles in school - happy slapping or otherwise they just shouldn't be allowed imho.

21st May 2005, 01:58 PM
Full stop, dont let them have them

23rd May 2005, 06:03 PM
I don't understand why kids NEED mobile phones in schools? They don't need to contact their parents/guardians from them at all - that's what payphones are for, and all schools have at least one or a phone that can be used at least. Plenty of other distracting gadgets have been banned from a lot of schools. Mobile phones are just another thing to be beaten up for, another thing to break, another thing to lose, another thing to distract students from their studies. My generation managed, at least largely, without mobiles in school - happy slapping or otherwise they just shouldn't be allowed imho.

I couldn't agree more. I never had a mobile at school, they were only an object of the wealthy! I never had the need to call my parents, if there was an emergency it was the schools job to get in contact with the relevant person. I've known plently of people, as Ben mentions, assaulted over their mobile phone, it's just something kids don't need with them between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday, there are responsible adults around to watch them for the majority of that time, they're under the age of "adulthood" to think of a better word, they don't need to be in contact with anyone else. This is education time, not texting or two player snake time.

This could take us into a whole OT debate about what kids should and shouldn't do now. By rights the everyone from about 22/23 - 35 should be dead. From the lead in the paint, the lack of airbags in cars, sharing each others drinks, being outside from dawn till dusk (with no mobile!!) and without anyone knowing where you were. You could have a fight with someone else (as a kid that was and which I'm not condoning in any way) and no parents would be involved, in fact if the Police were involved with anything, your parents took the side of the law! Ach, I'm all worked up now. Grr...

23rd May 2005, 06:04 PM
And because I was so worked up I clicked the wrong vote button!! Yes they should be banned!! Add one more to the Yes!!

30th May 2005, 02:48 PM
As i go to school and take my mobile with me i have a different view. Yes they can be distracting in class but thats why we are not allowed them on during schooltime. They have to be in our bags out of sight and turned off then we can use them in an emergency or after school to phone our parents. And alot of parents actually encourage us to take our phones with us because then they are able to get hold of us in an emergency rather than ring the school reception who may not be able to find us.!

11th June 2005, 11:25 PM
Thanks sjperry15 for adding a valuable point to the discussion, it's good to hear from the horses mouth, as it was.

It's good to hear that there are specific guidelines you need to follow regarding your mobile, and I can imagine how some parents get worried about their kids, but it's sad that society has got that way in such a short period of time. I was going to write that it was only 15 years ago I started secondary school, which isn't a long time, but typing it out makes me feel old! However, I've got a younger brother who's only 16, he takes his moby everywhere, even if there's no credit in it. Why? Can't people bare to be out of contact for 20 minutes? I love going out now and leaving my mobile behind, possibly because I'm on it all day, but still, 15 years ago no-one could get in contact with anyone...unless you had a pager, and even they were expensive. Although, I did see someone using a phonebox today and thought, "wierdo, using a phonebox, get a PAYG".

17th June 2005, 10:24 PM
Nope, they shouldn't be banned. If phones were banned from schools and I was involved in an accident on the way to school and I needed to get help, what would I do? If I broke down on the way to school, I'd think "Got the RAC number, bugger, no mobile."

In primary schools, no mobiles without question, but in secondary schools, they are flipping useful! My parents often have to get hold of me to communicated changed appointments etc, if you phone the school, there's little chance I'll get the message in time!

If you think using a payphone is a reasonable option, you are very mis-guided. On my route to school, I pass one pay phone on the entire journey. The payphones in school are constantly out of action.

In my opinion, if it's on silent in class and you're not distracted by it, it's ok.

17th June 2005, 11:25 PM
Valid points... perhaps those with mobiles that are misused need heavier punishments - especially when they appear in class.

Phones with cameras could be banned though... then kids who *really* needed them for 'emergencies' would have to get a cheap cameraless phone that'd be less likely to get stolen and/or misused!

I'm still in the 'I didn't need one, why do you?' camp, but I can accept that certain phones may be permissable in certain situations. Something surely has to change.