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View Full Version : Orange coverage (2g) vs the rest

26th May 2005, 11:19 AM
I like orange, and because of this, i want to most amount of threads and messages in the oragne section of this forum! Lets beat 3!!

Anyway, a few weeks back a printed out on photo paper, high resolution of the coverage of orange/voda/o2 and t-mobile.

Now each of these networks had the good signal in their colour of the network so:-

Orange = ummmm orange
o2 = blue
voda = red
T-mob = grey

Looking at these maps, it looked like orange had the poorer coverage over the UK as a whole, while vodafone had a clear advantage over the rest.

Is this the case or is is a matter of orange using a brighter colour than the rest and/or maps not updated as much as they should.
