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View Full Version : Well , looks like my battery is dead !

12th April 2009, 06:19 PM
Not particularly impressed TBH , as normally my batteries are still going strong when I lose interest / sell my phones ! , but that said , the iPhone does get a lot more use than any of my other devices have (in a "non phone" apps sense )
I usually bung it on charge every day / every other day , with the emphasis on trying to keep it topped up rather than running it down - but this has become increasingly difficult over the last few weeks , if I leave it in my pocket , or don't use it for a while , 9 times out of 10 , when I return it will have powered off with the "battery dead" symbol showing ....Then , when I charge it , it appears "fully charged" within minutes :(

Not sure how to proceed here , Apple have an "out of warranty" scheme that goes into great detail on how to proceed , but there is absolutely no info whatsoever (or I a damned if I can find it !!) on what to do if you are in warranty - I assume it is back to the o2 shop , but TBH I am not looking forward to being without it for a week or so !
Come on Apple , launch a new iPhone so this ceases to be a problem for me !
I suspect (unless I have a rogue unit) that stories like mine are going o become quite common as iPhone3G batteries start to "come of age".:eek:

12th April 2009, 08:20 PM
You'll get a replacement if you go to an Apple store, I can't imagine there'll be any hassle there. Not sure what happens if you go to an O2 or CPW, though.... good luck! :p

I use my iPhone 3G a lot and it's still holding charge very well, touch wood.

12th April 2009, 08:35 PM
No brainer this one miffed. Off to the Apple store my son, get it booked on the website now! There'll be no need to try and explain yourself, it's the best customer service you can possibly expect! In fact, why don't you spend the morning thinking about Voda CS, get suitably worked up, then go in, and you'll be hauling the Genius over the bar to give him a big kiss as he'll of been so efficient and helpful!

12th April 2009, 09:11 PM
Ditto all of the above :D Get on down there man. You know it makes sense :)

12th April 2009, 09:42 PM
.... But its bloody miles away !! I am a busy man :(

OK , I'll tell the wife shall I ? "Just popping to bluewater darling"

Do you have any idea how much such a trip would cost me ???

12th April 2009, 10:58 PM
Good grief! Are you a man or a mouse?

Try the man approach "I want my dinner on the table by the time I get back".

Then run like stink! :D

12th April 2009, 11:22 PM
miffed, I've seen you, you're a big lad, but it worries me that your missus might be bigger! ;) :p

I believe some "white lies" might be in order to protect the identity of the premesis you might be visiting! She'll never know... Although, in saying that, my trip to the Apple store the other day to sort my iPhone resulted in me returning with one of those slim wireless keyboards and a new wireless mighty mouse, I'm not sure my advice should be followed come to think of it... :eek:

17th April 2009, 08:30 PM
@miffed - did you ever get your iPhone sorted out? You've been very quiet. You're not sulking in the corner are you?

17th April 2009, 08:33 PM
I reckon Steve-o might've bumped him off... his post was tantamount to blasphemy... in Apple terms :D

17th April 2009, 08:35 PM
Well, I'm not that far from an Apple store so if the fella really is concerned that his Mrs will bleed his account dry I'll volunteer to take it in for him :D

17th April 2009, 09:47 PM
Thanks for the concern :D

Actually , things have improved a fair bit , I left the thing charging for a full day beyond the "Full" point , just to see what would happen , and it really does seem to have improved things - As I said , it was going from "power off" to "full" in a a matter of minutes , I'd normally have left it a couple of hours past this point to get some charge , but this time I left it for a good 18 or so hours , and this seems to have breathed new life into the thing !
Maybe it's a temporary reprieve ? I don't know .... TBH , I am keeoing it as a "back burner" fault , which is possible going become unbearable around June time ;) (at least as far as the bread knife is concerned ) .

17th April 2009, 09:57 PM
which is possible going become unbearable around June
Excellent :D Muchos admiration, my man!

17th April 2009, 11:10 PM
.... I am keeping it as a "back burner" fault , which is possible going become unbearable around June time ;) (at least as far as the bread knife is concerned ) .

The man is, of course, a complete genius. I love the thought that has gone into this plan of his :D

All bow before the master :D

Edit: I don't want to spoil your plan or nuffin but ... here's a tip for getting back your battery life with links and stuff

It all reads reasonable and much as I'd expect it to be with these things.