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View Full Version : Send option disabled.

28th May 2005, 02:42 PM
I signed up to 3 and got a Motorola v975. I imported my contacts from Outlook using the Motorola connectivity software.
I have noticed I can't send text messages in the normal way ie
1. Click Messages
2. Create Message
3. New text Message
4. Type in message
5. Click Send To
6. Traverse contacts to select desired contact's mobile num but the Send button is greyed out/disabled and I cannot send the message.
I also can't forward a message on to another contact - all very annoying.

What I can do to send a message is to select a contact first, click options and send message, type in message and then click Send. This is quite counter-intuitive for me as you are kind of doing things in reverse.

Does anyone else have the same problem? Does anyone know if there is a firmware fix for this and if so, where do I find it? Motorola doesn't have anything about this on their website.

31st May 2005, 03:20 AM
Anyone got any ideas about this?

I'd take it back... I can't do the backwards thing either! I compose my message first, then I pick who I'm sending it to.

Or at least I used to... on the 6680 I just type in the persons name and the message and it looks them up in the phonebook when the message gets sent. But y'know what I mean!

31st May 2005, 12:53 PM
I would take it back too, its seems very strange for it not to do this

18th June 2005, 05:41 PM
i have the v975.
u tried pressing the centre blue button, that should 'tick' the contact, so u can send to more than one at the same time, then the send option becomes bright again.