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View Full Version : How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 3G on OS 3.0 Using PwnageTool (Mac)

21st June 2009, 01:14 AM
There is a short article on the latest Jailbreak/Unlock for 3.0 here --> http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=4254

NB: As far as I know this is only for the iPhone 3G and not the 3G S

The usual disclaimers apply - do this at your own risk, not advocated or recommended by Talk3G, this information is provided solely for academic purposes.

21st June 2009, 09:45 AM
I am considering this for the wifes 2G , thinking specifically , would this be able to enable MMS for her ? Using "swirly" or something - would it be possible for her to MMS on 2G while still "paying" from her allowance (she is on a proper iPhone contract )

21st June 2009, 09:53 AM
I suspect that the answer to your question is "No" seeing as O2 have specifically excluded the iPhone [contract] from such things.

The irony is that if you popped in a normal O2 SIM you'd have access to the MMS as would any other handset in O2's range.

I wonder if there is a basis for an equivalence argument that could be made - why are O2 discriminating against the original 2G handset that patently has such capability?

21st June 2009, 10:28 AM
I must say , the whole MMS thing baffles me WRT to iPhones

MMS was readily availably on GSM GPRS - All those years ago , why on earth can this 2.5G (if you like 2.75G ) device not support MMS ? - or more to the point why is it not allowed to
Unless I have it wrong , AT & T have an HSDPA network that won't support MMS till the end of the summer ??!?? WTF ?? How on earth does that work ? - even it I have this wrong and it is not HSDPA - Networks (as I know them) have been capable of MMS since 2000 !

What am I missing here?

22nd June 2009, 06:56 PM
Well , thats me all Jailbroken !

It has really taken the sting out of the 3G not being a 3GS - Cycorder does pretty adequate video (not stunning , but pretty good IMO


^^ This Video actually makes the frame rate look a lot worse than it really is , it is actually quite smooth

And then there is the fact that you need some kind of app to get the Videos off (I am using Netatalk , Install it on the phone , and Voila - your iPhone now shows up in finder ! you have to drill through the entire file structure , but as long as you know to start in "var", it is all pretty easy , albeit primitive

Who needs a 3GS ? ;) .........

...... (I do ! :( )

23rd June 2009, 01:01 PM
Just removed the SIM lock using Ultrasn0w - simples !

Funny how this was Virtually impossible a few weeks ago , but so simple now ! - I reckon sellers of Turbo SIM's are gonna feel this one , and at a time when (I am guessing) a lot of used 3G's are going to be ripe for unlocking !

23rd June 2009, 06:30 PM
I was waiting for news on Ultrasnow. So you've used it on the 3GS ? fabulous news :D

23rd June 2009, 06:46 PM
Not the 3GS , (still saving up for one !! ) ...but the 3G - very quick and simple

....only thing is , I don't really have any desire to use it on any other networks now :D:confused:

23rd June 2009, 11:15 PM
Doh! I knew that :D

I was tempted, but then I have no intention of using my 3G (not S) on any other network either LOL

Although, I will be needing the services of Ultrasn0w for eldest daughter's iPhone that she wants to run on Vodafone.