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View Full Version : 10" Apple Tablet phone on the way

16th August 2009, 09:18 AM
According to the Sunday Times Apple will launch a 10" tablet computer/phone in 2010. The new device will debut on Verizon and is expected to sell up to 2 million units.

Full story here: http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/personal_tech/article6796735.ece

16th August 2009, 10:24 AM
An interesting article. I've never appreciated the value of a "tablet" computer, the previous efforts have [for me] missed the mark entirely. Could Apple finally do what others have failed?

As the article says, the public's perception of touchscreen has been transformed forever by the iPhone itself. As a technology in general it still has some way to go to get universal acceptance, witness the continual outpouring of mobiles with fold-out QWERTY keyboards.

The article makes one significant, if slightly understated point, about how iTunes store becomes the vital plank to such technology

... in iTunes, Apple has one of the most user-friendly content-distribution systems, ...

And of course, there is always Apple's already well established reputation as an innovator

... few firms are more adept at bringing new technology to the mainstream: the iPod was not the first MP3 player to be launched but since arriving in 2001 it has dwarfed the opposition. ...

I'll remain sceptical but open minded to this tablet technology.

16th August 2009, 11:19 AM
Yeah, you can put me in the sceptical but open minded pile, too.

If there is a tablet it might not necessarily be a 'big thing'... could be a 'hobby' type project like the AppleTV.

16th August 2009, 11:47 AM
Well , I bought a Vye Mini , an Advent (HCS / founder ) UMPC . an EEE PC and an OQO , I have been more keen on the concept of UMPC's than most I speak to
All of them were pretty amazing in their own special ways , but none of them cut it as an "everyday" device , in fact it would be fair to say that none of them made it past the "gimmick" phase , in fact the closest was not really a UMPC at all - The HTC Advantage , which was essentially A WM PDA with a clip on keyboard and a big screen (in PDA terms) ... But in reality none of these device made me feel I could make do without my laptop.
Then came the iPhone , to me this is the epitome of mobile computing (for a guy like me that doesn't like to get his hands dirty !) - If I cannot get to my computer , then the iPhone ia , without a doubt the next best thing IMO , Largely due to the fact that it is in my pocket anyway as a phone ! , some of the other devices may have loads to offer , but the fact remains they are something extra to carry around.
So , while undoubtedly a 10" iphone would be amazing , I am not sure I'd be happy carrying around all day - which sort of deafeats the purpose a little , as per the HTC adantage - amazing device , but not quite practical as an everyday phone
Will I want one .... Well , of course !!! , I am sure the tablet would be a iracle of modern technology ,.... But simply because it won't slip into the pocket , I can't see it being as popular as the iPhone & attracting mainstream interest
^^ I'd love to be proved wrong though :)

16th August 2009, 01:35 PM
... a iracle of modern technology ...

Eh? Wots one of those then :D



16th August 2009, 03:48 PM
Oh just a term I just coined :o

18th August 2009, 10:37 AM
Apple did place an order for 10" screens last year with some Asian firm, although the reports may have been false, but would indicate something coming.

Apple is a hardware company and a tablet of some sort would fill a gap in their line up. I, like the rest of us do seem to be a little bit lost as to the point of such a device. What is it going to do that the iPhone or iPod touch can't already do? (apart from the bigger screen!)