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View Full Version : Getting a PAC code out of Orange UK

4th September 2009, 12:08 AM
A friend needed to move their number from Orange to Vodafone in a hurry.

Orange initially said that they could not give out a PAC code over the phone and, indeed, they aren't even able to view it - it has to be sent out by post, which can take several days.

The next day they called back again and the operator said that the PAC code could not be given out over the phone due to company policy, implying that they could see the PAC code. After complaining, a callback from a manager was promised.

Rather than a callback, they simply got a text a bit later on with the PAC code in it.

So it pays to be persistent. Don't let a network, i.e. Orange, mess you around and make you wait for a PAC code when you don't need to.

4th September 2009, 12:51 AM
It is usually best to be forearmed when dealing with the likes of Mobile Network Operators.

The OFCOM rules were changed on 1 April 2008 (http://news.zdnet.co.uk/communications/0,1000000085,39288098,00.htm) - so the operators have had sufficient time to comply.

The only problem is that if you are going to try and slug it out with the operator's CS staff you are probably wasting your time completely. They will be near-ignorant of any of this. Which makes knowing the following information even more frustrating.

It is all very well OFCOM making rules, but the compliance by the operators is pathetic in general. They play the system for all it is worth.

OFCOM rules state the following in relation to PAC

Porting Authorisation Code

Ofcom has introduced rules so that all mobile phone companies have to switch your number to your new company within two business days.

First you must ask your existing mobile company for a PAC (Porting Authorisation Code) before you cancel the service.

The PAC enables you to transfer your number to another network.

So if you want to switch and have checked that you can leave, contact the customer services staff at your current mobile phone company and tell them you want to leave.

Source: http://www.ofcom.org.uk/media/features/switchmob

If the process becomes troublesome, and threats of OFCOM do not move them then there is a process you can use

If your mobile phone company still refuses to allow you to take your number with you, or if you are experiencing any other problems with moving your mobile number from one company to another, It is likely that the problems you are experiencing are complex.

In cases such as these it is usually best to talk through what has happened with one of our specialist advisers. This will enable us to get as many details from you as possible and give you specific guidance on what you should do next.

Please can you call us on Monday-Friday between 09:00 and 17:00. Our phone number is 020 7981 3040 or 0300 123 3333. If you are deaf or speech-impaired, our textphone number is 020 7981 3043 or 0300 123 2024. Please note that these numbers only work with special equipment used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our fax number is 020 7981 3334. Welsh speakers can call 020 7981 3042 or 0300 123 2023.

Source: http://www.ofcom.org.uk/complain/mobile/company/porting/?itemid=286222