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View Full Version : The Best Mobile Phone Deals In The Uk!!! Cheap!!!

4th June 2005, 05:31 PM
Hiya guys and gals. Juat thought you might be interested in some great mobile phone deals (See Link Below). The company do the best contracts in the UK at the moment. You can get some of the best phones and great tariffs with loads of minutes for dirt cheap!! The best contract deals are on Orange! Better still they give you a FREE phone and contract with every contract purchased!! I have had a contract with them for 5 months and they are great. They company has been established for over 8 years. If that’s not a deal, I don’t know what is!!


Kind Regards

4th June 2005, 07:38 PM
There's a helluva lot of Orange cashback offers on there - aren't Orange trying to stop that sorta thing? I take it the website is new, it was only registered 25-May-2005.

4th June 2005, 07:58 PM
Looks like they are pushing some very heavy user tarriffs. It's not all that clear really. 600 X/Net mins a month = Your Plan 300 that is actually a 300 X/Net min tarriff after the current Orange promotion period of 6 months 'Double minutes' expires.

Looking at the offers I would imagine one could easily end up with something other than what you expected.

Still its another option.