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View Full Version : Tesco iPhone deals

10th December 2009, 05:31 PM

Certainly are some funny deals !

10th December 2009, 05:46 PM
Were 16 pictures of the iPhone on 1 page really necessary?

10th December 2009, 06:40 PM
I doubt if Tesco Mobile will find many takers for those deals.

The UK's biggest supermarket chain has got the iPhone but comes out a pretty expensive choice for it.

No doubt the network deal with 02 and the greedy Apple revenue plundering leaves little room for proper competition. That I suspect will be confirmed when Vodafone launch their iPhone tariffs in January.

Bottom line is that if you want an iPhone you pay Apple's price regardless of the operator.

Big problem for Apple as the competition offers similar products without networks having to share revenues.

I predict Apple will make a killing from the iPhone from wealthy mobile subscribers but it'll be short term gain as the networks and mobile manufacturers develop alternatives that will significantly undercut them.