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View Full Version : Improvement in call quality & performance

8th June 2005, 07:48 PM
Some of you may remember me whining about Orange's coverage where I live. Well, it's still not fantastic, but my Nokia 6680 hasn't dropped a single call mid-conversation since I got it - and that's a huge improvement from the Z1010 and T610 I used before!

In my office especially calls used to break up and I'd have to move elsewhere. Now I can make calls from my mobile and sit here without having to worry about the call breaking up or dropping altogether.

Good stuff, l'orangé and Nokia!

8th June 2005, 09:48 PM
I really do think the RX and TX quality between a handset and WBTS of the same manufacturer makes such a difference, either that or the receivers in SEs are just rubbish! :p

9th June 2005, 02:17 PM
Newbie: Does it use 3G while using voice call too then? Or you think it's just the phone is better at picking up regular signals?

9th June 2005, 03:02 PM
Voice calls can be routed over 3G, yes, though currently I think all of mine connected on 3G get handed back over to 2G. Whether that's signal dependent or network policy I couldn't say.

9th June 2005, 03:03 PM
Hello b.weeks & welcome to Talk3G!

Yes, voice can travel over 3G, but you'll find is that most extended phonecalls, or ones that are moving about will seamlessly hand over to the relative networks 2G side. The existing 2G networks are better for voice due to the greater coverage footprint over 3G. It also makes sense to move voice over to 2G to allow the 3G users to keep their higher speeds.

I hope you find all the 3G info you need here, there's lots of people able to help if you have a question.


11th June 2005, 01:50 PM
I may have spoken too soon... had a call go straight to voicemail yesterday even though I was in full coverage. That single problem really really really narks me off!