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9th June 2005, 03:15 PM
So, I'm sat in a field, the sun is beating down, I've got a nice cold bottle of water the new Coldplay album is on (which is grrreat BTW) and I'm surfing like I'm at home! I've never really given much thought to what you're able to achieve remotely nowadays, it wasn't that long ago that 9.6 was the norm, in fact I was undertaking HSCSD work earlier, I didn't think anyone used that anymore?! :p But is anyone making use of 3G? I want to hear from you all. Are you just sending a few video clips, which you could just do on 2.5G if you wanted, or are you harnessing the potential of WCDMA? Do your friends/colleagues have 3G phones or are you in the minority? What are you doing with that new technology in your hand?


9th June 2005, 03:42 PM
Well I'm on 3, so I'm not exactly harnessing 3g. I did receive a video call from a mate the other day, my first one! We have both only just got 6680's, but he is on vodafone. Other than him, I know of no other that has a 3g phone.

I have sent and read email for the first time using a phone. But other than that my habbits are as before.

10th June 2005, 02:31 PM
Good point, 3g-g. What are we using these fancy handsets for?

Apart from the couple I met recently conversing in the same room with their his 'n' hers 6630s, I know nobody who even owns a 3G handset, let alone who can pair a video call with my 6680.

So, "harnessing 3G" so far comprises streaming newsclips that I could perfectly easily download under 2.5G, and... not much else.

But I'm happy. I can turn my holiday snaps into a "muvee" and, with my hugely expensive 512Mb MMC, I've got a great MP3 player whilst kidding myself I've saved the cost of an iPod. With stuff like this, who needs 3G? Who even needs a phone?

10th June 2005, 10:09 PM
All bar one of the family are equipped with 3's 3G phones - all but one bought on eBay and fitted with Threepay USIMS - all generating modest revenue to 3 except my contract 3-phone.

We've used them to videocall occasionally, especially when one of us is away and wants to see the family.

Use for much else 3G is not on as there is nothing else bar 3's own content (sic) to look at. I would use Internet access but that is only available via my contract Orange 2.5G handset so that gets used instead.