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View Full Version : Who fancies a streak ?

5th June 2010, 08:19 AM
I do !

What a predicament - just bought an HTC Desire , .... and now I am pondering a new iPhone , an iPad and a Dell streak too
I generally find Dell to epitimize cheap generic plastic rubbish ..... but this looks pretty nice IMO

Any other takers ?

5th June 2010, 09:31 AM
I read
Who fancies a streak? as Who fancies a steak?

Must be something to do with it being BBQ weather.:p:o

There are way too many nice gadgets on the market at the moment and my wife has just gone part time at work so find it hard to justify much spare cash :confused::mad:

5th June 2010, 09:39 AM
Mnnnn ....Steak it is !!

Problem solved - I'll have a barby instead :)

5th June 2010, 06:19 PM
I was impressed somewhat at the Dell Streak's apparent strength of screen - they use Gorilla Glass.

*Warning* This viewing is not for the feint of heart :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81zNNxaoQSA

Some YouTube stress tests leave the pen's plastic cap on. Endgadget did the test with the cap off, that screen is being hit with the metal ball of the pen tip which is a small focal point for the energy to enter the screen!

But do I really want a 5" phone pressed up against my head?

5th June 2010, 08:22 PM
Well, all of Dell's other mobile devices have been a complete failure, I see no reason why they should suddenly succeed :)

It's a case of been-there-done-that for Dell with me. I don't think I'll ever get excited about their products again.

6th June 2010, 10:55 AM
Its strange, when I worked at PCW we had SO many Dell Inspirons come back faulty. like, a ridiculous amount. However, we rarely had XPS machines. Its like they made really really great high end hardware, and they just failed on the entry level stuff, but we would still have floods of people coming in saying that they loved dell! It was really strange.

Ive never really liked Dell to be honest. After working in a large computer shop for 3 years, you start to see which makes stand out and which fail, and Dell definitely wasn't one of the ones that stood out. Having said that, this isnt technically a computer, and that video with the ball point pen really impressed me, although time will tell about the build quality and hardware when its released to the masses.

7th June 2010, 08:48 AM
I quite fancy the Streak, but then again I'm concerned that it might be too big. In any case, I'm sure that later on today I'll be wanting the new iPhone.

What puts me off the Streak is that it's still 1.6 and wont be updated any time soon. Now that could mean lots of fun and games loading on unofficial roms, but do I really want to do that when I can get the Desire now?

7th June 2010, 11:50 AM
played with a Dell Streak in MK CPW yesterday, it's big, especially compared to the X10 Mini, which is a sixth of the size.

Battery life is quoted as a day on the spec sheet, is that without using it?

7th June 2010, 12:04 PM
Well I went out yesterday with every intention of looking at , and possibly buying one.... But came home with an iPad instead!

Didn't even get to see one . Doesn't seem to be raising much interest from people I talk to , it'll be great if it flops , and then shows up at a heavily discounted price like the n900 !

8th June 2010, 12:04 AM
Can't believe you ended up with an iPad, lol! Congratulations :)

11th June 2010, 09:10 AM
It may surprise some of you to hear (it surprises me a little TBH ) ...But I am STILL cionsidering a Dell Streak over an iPhone 4 !

My reasoning is silly TBH , I am just a little put off by the iPhone being so damned trendy , and I don't do "trendy" !!

Everywhere I turn there are former N95 users (all who had previously slated the iPhone) either with 3GS's , or telling me how they can't wait to get their hands on the iPhone 4 , I have to remind myself that just because they are on my bandwagon , doesn't make them "the same" as me

- What is an Apple Elite-ist to do ? :(

11th June 2010, 11:28 AM
You may need to resort to a brightly coloured case :p

Actually, Apple's bumper cases look really nice on the white iPhone 4.

20th June 2010, 10:56 AM
Yeah dell is a good kind of product..

20th June 2010, 10:57 AM
Really! I want to have one.