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View Full Version : Updating one Nokia phone

6th July 2010, 10:13 AM
(From Twitter) Hands0n: RT @vowe: Updating one Nokia phone. "If I had a hammer ..." http://vowe.net/archives/011556.html

6th July 2010, 02:52 PM
I dont really think this is a fair article to be honest. Half the things he does on there is because he hasnt rebooted his windows PC for ages, and or the phone hasnt been switched on so hasnt been updated with the new Ovi store. Like someone mentioned in the comments, if you take a phone which is the same generation as android or Palm pre or whatever, Like the N900, the updates are pretty much exactly the same and are done completely in the background. Also, I dont know why he needed to restore his phone from back up, because NSU keeps all your files intact.

The Mullet of G
6th July 2010, 08:50 PM
I agree with chaslam. You can't blame Nokia because some noob takes 25 steps to accomplish something that a turnip could probably do in 3. :)

6th July 2010, 09:34 PM
While agree the Article does seem to suggests the users choice to go long-path was probably the cause of his troubles ,I did like this line

E71 comes back up and asks you which country you live in, what the date and time is. It then congratulates you for buying this excellent kit.