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View Full Version : I fell foul of Vodafone's new 500MB Mobile Data limit

29th August 2010, 02:58 PM
On Thursday of last week I received an unsolicited SMS message from Vodafone to inform me that I was approaching the 500MB data limit. Further, that I would be charged £5 per 500MB if I go over the limit. That technically means that even 1 byte in excess of the 500MB could cost me £5. Thats a pretty hefty price for mobile data.

My usage of the Google Nexus One that carries this contract SIM changed modestly recently, during August. Basically I am using an additional, and busier, email account plus making a bit more use of web browsing. What this essentially means is that with a small change in use it is very easy indeed to reach or exceed the 500MB limit. It is rather miserly, in my opinion.

So I made a few comments on Vodafone's Twitter channel (@VodafoneUK) which received a swift response this morning - gotta love those Vodafone eForum mods. It was Jenny today who referred me to an announcement located on the Vodafone eForum here --> http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/forum-53/announcement-137-updated-24082010-mobile-internet-charging/ This contains full details and a set of alternatives available to the customer.

Reading through the document it was beginning to look that I was destined to having to ask for my PAC and leave the company.

Later in the morning I DMd Jenny to ask if there was anything Vodafone could do. My letter to them requesting my PAC was written, but it was worth an ask before I posted it off. And soon after that Jenny contacted me on the phone and worked out that I could have the 500MB increased to 1GB at no additional charge or change to the contract length or price. I accepted and am content to run with the contract through to its end in June 2011.

The eForum team are usually more effective than any other channel in Vodafone. I've used them several times in the past to resolve issues that are not always quite straightforward and where the regular CS staff are likely to draw a blank.

Oh well, lets see how 1GB works for me then. If not, there is always June 2011 :)

3rd September 2010, 10:06 AM
I should recount my own tale of woe with vodafone!

I recently decided that I'd had enough of vodafone's patchy 3g network and wanted to try 3 again. In NI 3 seem to have the most widespread 3g network and they seem to get decent reviews on twitter, so I thought what the heck! I signed up to a £10 a month sim only contract and requested my PAC from vodafone.
I received an acknowledgement email, but no PAC. I then received a phonecall from vodafone asking why I was leaving, at which point the CS rep let rip and basically ranted at me and slagged off three. He then proceeded to hang up before giving me my PAC. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as this once "great british" company had now sunk so low. Anyway back on topic. I fired off a quick (and polite) email to vodafone CS explaining the situation and again asking for my PAC. First thing the next morning I was sent the PAC and the "difficult" situation resolved and my faith some what restored in their CS. As a "younger" person, I prefer to carry out all my business either online or via email and I resent having to phone a company when an email would be more efficient. I honestly think companies could benefit from having as good a dedicated online team as vodafone.

3rd September 2010, 06:25 PM
£5 for 500MB....... what a bargain!!

You should check out the cost of buying 25MB a day when roaming!!

Vodafone have been a bit mean with this 500MB fair use cap but a fiver to increase it to 1GB does not seem excessive for those who need the extra data usage.

Just keep the handset on WiFi wherever possible especially when downloading and updaing apps and the 500Mb should be fine for browsing etc.

3rd September 2010, 09:24 PM
Yes but this isn't roaming! That is another topic altogether, don't get me started :D :D I'm leaving it to Viviane to sort the operators out.

I was content that Vodafone gave me the increase to 1GB to match what other £35 per month customers would be getting with their Nexus Ones and suchlike stuff. It may transpire that even 1GB is insufficient, but that is another matter altogether. I was feeling very constrained with the 500MB.

On the Nexus One (and iPhone) I never turn WiFi off - although it is supposed to be a drain on the battery, I find that the N1 (and iPhone) both survive a working day without any difficulty, happily picking up known WiFi APs as and when it comes across one (home, office, family, friends etc.). My busting of the 500MB "cap"came about through a minor change in use of the device. Something that could happen to anyone.

Really, 500MB is truly not sufficient for all but the most minimal of Internet use.