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View Full Version : I want Windows Phone 7. Uh oh.

17th October 2010, 12:50 PM
I've been looking at the HTC HD7 (http://www.trustedreviews.com/mobile-phones/review/2010/10/15/HTC-HD7/p1) and it looks like a compelling handset, IMHO. I'm intrigued in a similar way that I was with Android, but encouraged by Microsoft's locked-down approach to the OS and focus on the consumer (vanilla Android is very, very cold).

Not having anything in the Microsoft ecosystem could be a bit of a sticking point. I'm at least determined to go and play with one of these... are they in the shops yet?

17th October 2010, 08:35 PM
They go on sale 21st October. I actually had some hands on time with the HD7, Mozart and Trophy as i was invited along 'somewhere' to get a feel for the devices.

Mozart is my fave as it has a 8mp camera and xenon but its only on Orange. The Trophy is VERY nice too which is on Vodafone (and i hope to upgrade to one this week) and O2 have the HD7 as exclusive but if you look at eXpansys Ireland you can get them sim free.

The OS has a back to basics feel but they have done a great job.... what they have done is got together all the blueprints for Windows Mobile and just thrown the whole bloody lot in the bin and start from scratch. For me to want a microsoft product is rare but WP7 has really got me tempted so much so I will be picking one up next week somehow.

The tiles are movable and live so you can add weather, stock quotes, notes and more information including shortcuts to contacts in your phonebook. The marketplace is growing and although not at Android or Apple level yet some top apps like Spotify are there plus if you have an XBox you link your account to your phone and can play games, update your status and your avatar on the move.

There is also Zune Pass which for £8.99 a month gives you as much music as you want on your phone and your PC (not mac yet).

yes there are downfalls like lack of removable memory at the moment, no tethering, no HTML5 or Flash but these are things which will be in OTA updates.

I also like the way there is a minimum spec to be a WP7 device like having a 3.5 inch glass screen with at least 8gb memory. Should stop low end crap and keep things consistant

18th October 2010, 12:12 AM
The Mac thing will be the ultimate barrier - Microsoft have said they have no plans to port the Zune software to Mac OS X.

Why is it that such a rich, resource-laden company fails time and time again to properly cater to competing operating systems. They prove over and over how they're incapable of responsibly working within their monopoly.

I'll have a play as soon as they're in stores and see how the mood takes me!

18th October 2010, 08:28 PM
I have, so far, been singly unimpressed with Windows 7 Mobile as described and displayed on all of the blogs and other means. It looks like a Fisher Price OS visually. I do think that a few weeks need to go by with these in the hands of real people before the jury can retire. There are to many omissions in WM7 at the moment for it to interest me more than tickle my curiousity about the new OS.

The HTC Mozart looks gorgeous - that is the one with the cast aluminium body isn't it? So very Apple :D

Will I pick one up? Unlikely in the immediate future. I'm still fired up with iOS and Android.

18th October 2010, 08:35 PM
Very much depends on pricepoints TBH - Certainly not going to pay premium money for one, ...but should they release something in the budget section like we've seen with Android, then I may be tempted aboard
Who knows ? Never say never ! will be interesting to see where both Symbian(yawn!)^3 and WP7 are this time next year !

19th October 2010, 12:33 AM
That HD7 is under £400 on PAYG I think... the spec on all of them is quite good because that's what Microsoft have mandated, but I think we'll still see some of these going at good prices.

22nd October 2010, 09:41 PM
The Mac thing will be the ultimate barrier - Microsoft have said they have no plans to port the Zune software to Mac OS X.


22nd October 2010, 10:48 PM
I wanted a WP7, I bought a WP7, i returned a WP7, WP7 is poor!. iOS is far better and after now using every major os (yes including symbian) i have decided the best OS for me and device and Apple have won me over with the White iPhone 4

22nd October 2010, 11:11 PM
Ah, yes, but how long for Mr G? :D

I want to have a practical session with a Windows Mobile 7 device, if for no other reason than to say that I have actually used one! It looks like the first release of the OS is going to be pretty much along the lines of the first iOS (before it was called that). I recall that, then, the OS was very new and sparkly, but not as functional is it is these days. Then there was a series of rapid iterative updates to bring some more stability, performance and functionality to the iPhone.

It is rather interesting that Microsoft have said that they'll release some more functionality in 1Q/2011, which is a long way off yet. So no evidence of rapid development there then. More like traditional Waterfall method, with long periods between releases. Its not as if WP7 is matured yet.

Oh well, at least there is plenty of alternative to play with.

23rd October 2010, 10:32 PM
I am fed up arguing with myself why not to buy Apple and then end up being let down by Nokia and the others with poor unfinished products. I know if i buy a MBA and an iPhone and have a Mac Mini I can keep them all in sync really easily with content and applications and have a reliable experience without any issues.

24th October 2010, 01:41 AM
@getti - And that, dear sir, is the "experience" that we all keep banging on about. It is painless, seamless, simple and it works. Which is absolutely great if what you want is a highly functional ecosystem.

All of the other opposition technologies are capable of doing much, if not all, of this. But the rub is that being capable and actually being able to with the same amount of ease are two very different propositions.

If you want to hack away - like I do - then go buy in to whichever 'lesser' platform you take a fancy to. But if you want something that is going to work every single time you pick it up, and work well, then I think we all know the answer to that one, much as it may annoy the hell out of some folk :)

p.s.: Whats the scoop with the Nokia N8? I have been eyeing one up locally but (a) don't have the disposables and (b) have not read very much glowing praise which makes me think that there isn't too much to actually write about!

26th October 2010, 07:43 PM
Apart from the camera its pretty poor to be honest. Camera is great, build is great but its like having a Ferrari outside being powered by a Mini engine

26th October 2010, 10:15 PM
I see a Mac sync tool has been released. Curiouser and curiouser.

12th June 2011, 04:47 PM
Nice to see Orange Exclusivity has run out on the Mozart, someone should tell HTC it's now on O2 as well.

2 months til I can upgrade and WP7 is looking promising