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  1. Ben's Avatar

    Twitter - All the world's a stage.

    by , 13th December 2010 at 10:59 AM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    Despite its massive success a lot of people still struggle with finding a use for Twitter. Facebook is such an obvious social tool but, for an outsider looking in, Twitter is cloaked in mystery. In fact, once 'in' people I speak to often find it just as mystifying!

    I struggled with the concept at first. Ok, I can 'follow' people, which seems a bit like subscribing to an RSS feed. They say it, I see it. That doesn't sound very interactive or addictive. People can follow me, seeing ...
    Opinion , Other topics
  2. Ben's Avatar

    X-Factor's opening night: My act-by-act verdict.

    by , 9th October 2010 at 10:23 PM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    F.Y.D. I don't get it? Some funny dancing but no identity. Sounded average once they all kicked in together.*

    Matt Cardle. He can't keep up with the fast tempo, and his voice isn't strong enough. Great song, but it didn't do his vocal range justice.*

    John Adeleye. Scrubs up well! But what's he singing? He's singing it well. A solid vocal but a bit dull.*

    Rebecca Ferguson. It's a great tone in her voice to be sure. But she was unable to take the song to ...

    Updated 10th October 2010 at 01:12 PM by Ben

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  3. Ben's Avatar

    Lending down to Businesses. So what?

    by , 25th August 2010 at 04:04 PM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    Today brings news that banks are lending less to business customers yet again. What a surprise.

    The actual surprise is how everyone finds this so shocking. If we're going to have a stable recovery then it can't be one built on the sand foundations of credit as it was before. Businesses need to be operating with positive cash flow and without mounting debt just to finance their day to day operations.

    Yes, credit is important to finance certain projects, absolutely. But ...
    News , Other topics
  4. Ben's Avatar

    The Generation Game

    by , 4th August 2010 at 12:54 AM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    Changes litter our pasts like bookmarks throughout our own personal novels. One of the bigger changes in life is moving house, big in a practical sense but also in an emotional one as engaging with the 'stuff' we amass over the years can be a powerful trigger of memories.

    Some of these memories will be good, others bad, but many will be somewhere in between. Some we'll dwell on and wonder about, some we'll regret, and what's left will make us realise just how much we've changed as ...
    Opinion , Other topics
  5. Ben's Avatar

    Anti-Google sentiment building?

    by , 16th February 2010 at 01:27 PM (Ben's Talk3G Blog)
    As a general observation, I've noticed an increasing amount of anti-Google sentiment around the web, mostly in comments but also on TV (that BBC2 programme about the Internet focussed heavily on Google's domination last week) and in the news. Today it's Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao's turn, as he suggests that there are choice implications when what he's really screaming is *somebody regulate this giant before there's no ad revenue left for the rest of us*. ...