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Time To Move On!

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by , 17th March 2008 at 11:08 PM (3171 Views)
Those of you who know me well know that i got offered a job with a new local 3Store just over a year ago which i started on 1st January. I have always been a fan of the network and when a job with them came up it was too good to pass up.

Well since then i have been getting on well hitting targets and being a great tech support person for the whole area but times change and with many changes behind the scenes with targets, staff and bonus, i have today handed in my notice to leave 3.

So where am i heading?. Right up the road with a company who call themselves T-Mobile !!.

Marc and Webcash especially know the details as i been updating them over the weekend but its now official. 16th April will be my final day with 3 and the 18th April i will be off to Hatfield for T-Mobile training

Thought i better let people know so they know why im not able to answer things like release dates or check things in store. Its not be ignoring you.... its i no longer work for them lol


    1. Ben's Avatar
        Moving on and moving up, getti, I'm sure. Congrats, all the best for 18th April!
        • How are TMOB? Personally I love the network, but with O2 just for the iPhone. I'd go back to TMOB any day really..