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iPhone unlock - No thank you sir!

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, 31st January 2010 at 03:32 PM (2184 Views)
After months (probably even years now) of being intrigued by the hidden abilities of an unlocked iPhone, I decided to give it a try.

Downloading the 'BlackSn0w' app from my iMac straight down to my iPhone and then unpacking an app called 'Cydia' (the black-market App store if you will) was easy peasy!

But that was where the fun and games started!

After installing a few different apps and unlocks from the Cydia app my iPhone started behaving like a spoilt brat! Slowing, stuttering, tripping over itself whenever I asked it to do something. I constantly encountered the spinning data circle normal fixed in the top bar when you're accessing the web, this time it was centre of my screen - SPINNING ENDLESSLY.

iPhone eventually gave up and resorted to displaying the large Apple logo centre screen until i forced it into recovery mode.

I'm no technophobe - At 24 years old I'd like to think I'm quite technically minded and "down with those kids" but this takes the p*ss.

It was the experience I didn't want to have. It was the experience Apple doesn't want me to have either.

I have now slung my phone into recovery mode and iTunes is busy syncing over my precious content back into its pristine 16GB brains whilst I run back to the safety and comfort of the App Store.

Apple - I love you, will you take me back?
Tags: iphone, unlock


    1. Ben's Avatar
        When I did my 3G it worked well afterwards, though getting the unlock to work in the first place took me a few tries. Like you, though, I resorted to a restore. I think for 99% of us Apple has got it all pretty spot on. For the remaining 1%, there's the possibility of a jailbreak - and I like that there is, because it adds that extra dimension to the device that allows it into the worlds of people who don't fit Apple's perfect ecosystem.
      • @NickyColman's Avatar
          Too true! An unlocked iPhone reminds me of a Symbian handset and installing a suspect app could cripple the phone beyond belief. Generally the apps were unpolished, very basic looking beasties and thats what the Jailbroken iPhone reminds me of.

          Wallpapers on the iPhone homescreen just dont work for me. They look messy. The white font and brightly coloured icons clash and makes it look headache inducing!
        • The Mullet of G's Avatar
            Maybe its different on the ipod touch, even though it uses the same core hardware and software as the 3GS. But it took me about 30 seconds to jailbreak, I've installed a power of stuff from Rock, and my ipod still runs exactly as it did when I bought it. I've seen stuff on Rock that could cause some issues, but you'd have to be pretty lapse to install them given most have a ton of reviews telling you it caused issues. On another note that 1% is more like 8.43%
            Updated 4th February 2010 at 12:30 AM by The Mullet of G