Talk3G Mobile Phone Forums - Help, discussion, news and reviews FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Code of Conduct

Talk3G aims to be a valuable resource for all its members. Please help us achieve this aim by abiding by the simple rules below:
SPAM, being the repeat posting of material on this forum, is not allowed under any circumstances.
Debate is welcomed, but please only state your position once and then back away.
Personal attacks, where users specifically single out an individual or group of users, are not allowed. If you believe a post is inaccurate or inappropriate you should report it to a moderator using the report icon.
Please make a clear distinction between FACT and OPINION. If you are conveying a fact, please disclose your source where possible.
Sharing links with other members is encouraged. Advertising is not.
Please do not post links from which you stand to make financial gain.
Swearing is not permitted anywhere on this forum.
Please use your Private Messaging, Rating and other priviledges wisely - they will be removed if you abuse them.
You are only permitted have one username on Talk3G. Users found to be posting under multiple usernames will be removed immediately.
This is a 3G-specific forum, and as such off-topic comments may be removed. Please try and keep your posts related to the area of the forum they are posted in. If you think a post needs to be moved or removed, ask a moderator.
Enjoy yourself! If you're doing something wrong, one of our moderators will contact you and explain the situation. We operate a "Three strikes and you're out" policy in most circumstances.

About Talk3G

Talk3G is a 3G forum designed for everyone who is involved with 3G - from network planning and maintenance through manufacturing and retail right to the end user (the customer). Talk3G's intention is that by seeking participation from a wide range of individuals with different perspectives on 3G technologies and beyond it will bridge the gaps in communication between all of them while allowing greater transparency for end users.

The Talk3G forum is managed by a team who reflect this diversity in backgrounds. The team have no vested interests in the forum, and do not stand to make financial gain from it. Talk3G is a non-profit organisation that does not accept advertisements or sponsorship. The team believes that this is the only way to guarantee that employees from mobile networks and other companies from within the industry are able to participate in Talk3G without fear of being reprimanded.

Talk3G is hosted by CardBoardFish, providers of SMS text messaging.

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