Hello to you all.

June 30th 2006 is certainly a great day for Talk3G. Our non-profit community, free from sponsorship and advertising, has continued to gain strength in the last few months and it is with utmost enthusiasm that I welcome our 1,000th member through our doors.

Many of you will recognise that launching a new initiative such as Talk3G is hard. For every new community that succeeds a great deal more, all worthy in their causes, will fail. Even those with great financial backing can lose their way. With this we should be exceptionally proud of our achievement here, and not only be grateful to Hands0n, 3g-g, 3GScottishUser and getti for all their hard work as truly exemplary moderators but also be grateful for the contributions of every single user that has made Talk3G a warm and inviting place to discuss our shared interest, 3G.

We're steadfast in our mission to be the best 3G resource we can, so here's to the future and, hopefully, the many more thousands of members out there that will find us in the future.

Thanks, everyone!
