I came across this interesting website today - it offers an on-line non-partisan comparison across all the UK mobile operators. I checked out my iPhone contract on it - and the only one to compare was the O2 iPhone contract

See for yourself if you've got the optimum for what you want/need/desire at http://www.mobilemeg.com/

A recent survey 1 shows that 7 out of 10 mobile phone users don't know how much they are charged for using data services such as surfing the mobile web or using email from their phones. It's therefore surprising that there haven't been horror more stories like poor Piotr Staniaszek who managed to run up a mobile phone bill for $85,000 (£41,000) in one month alone! 2

In addition, those users that do know what they are charged think it's too much and until now there was no easy way to compare all the available price plans.

However, using a mobile phone to access the internet is now growing 8 times faster than PC based internet access. 3

MobileMeg is the only site that provides an easy and free comparison of mobile data price plans. Enabling you to see the true cost of using the mobile internet, mobile email or any other data service from you phone.

Use our tools to estimate your costs before using them to ensure you don't become the next victim of mobile phone bill shock.
Do let us know how you get on

NB: I'm stickying this thread for now ... it seems a good resource to have in sight.